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Mr. Hand-in-your-pocket Man

Being a single, independent woman can have it's perks. Making repairs in your home is not one of them.

Before I begin my renovation saga, let me preface this by saying I have made the decision to take home repair classes. Because in this, as in most everything, I have learned a valuable lesson: If you can't do it yourself, you better have deep pockets.

If you've been reading my blog, you know that I have been in the process of renovating my home, inside and out, to suit my needs and abilities. The garden cleared and ready for some beautification next year, I turned my attention and limited budget to the inside of my home. My very tiny bungalow which is the size of a small condo. It's cozy and I love it, but it's spatially challenged, so I decided to do away with the dining room and make the most of my space.

I went about the long and arduous process of finding someone able to help me make my home more energy efficient, by putting in a solid front door (I had an internal door) and cutting the cold air flow into my home by adding and rearranging some doors in the house. I also bought a better kitchen tap to conserve water and stop the incessant drip.

Finding a handyman was like looking for the Holy Grail. No one I know was particularly helpful, so I was forced to use directories. I made a lot of calls and finally went with a company that gave me a reasonable quote for all the jobs that needed to be done.

I was ecstatic that I would achieve all the changes on my limited funds.

Boy,was I naive.

The day of the appointment came, and I took a day off to be around for the repairs. I had decided not to purchase the door in advance, and go to Home Depot with the hired hand to pick the right door with the right measurements. I thought that would have been the most efficient way of dealing with the problem.

Again, naive.

The guy came, I went over what needed to be done, and he measured my doorway. We bought the door. He begins his work. I proceed to make coffee and sit down to do some work that I brought home with me. He comes to me a few minutes later, and tells me the door is slightly bigger and as it's a steel door, the only option remaining is to adjust the frame. Thinking he is the expert, and trusting his judgment, I let him do his thing.

Big mistake.

Six hours later, the door was in. The frame looked like something from a horror movie. I had to spend more money to get molding for the frame, foam filler and new door handles. My screen door no longer worked. At 3:30, he stopped working, full half hour before the agreed time. He told me to make another appointment because he needed another day to finish the job, and he left.

I had an unfinished door and more than half the jobs not completed.

I called the company and talked to the owner who thought this was unacceptable and told me to book an appointment for someone to come in to finish the job free of charge. I thought, "Wow! How awesome are they?"

How incredibly naive was I?

I booked a couple of appointments because I couldn't take another day off. This time, they sent two guys over. "Great!" I thought, "They sent over two guys to finish the job in double time. How considerate and efficient."

Two hours later, two folding doors were put up, the front door was still unfinished, my new tap was not installed, and the interior door was not moved. One of the guys (the one who, for lack of a better word, fucked up the job to begin with) left early again, leaving the other guy to present me with yet another invoice.


I got on the phone with the owner, and he proceeded to tell me he did not say "free of charge" but had said "free of service charge". One little word cost me 200 bucks over my budget. Further, he told me that it was my fault that the job was not completed because I wasn't accurate in describing the job. I disagreed. I asked why his man would buy a bigger door to begin with. When he saw that the door was too big why would he not suggest a wood door that can be cut to fit, or tell me by keeping this door, it would add another 6 hours and so many dollars to the estimate.

The dude did not budge. I paid the man and told him I no longer required their services; and that knowing so many people who needed repairs done I not only would not recommend them, but I would warn everyone I know about this company.

When you run an incompetent and unfair handyman business, do not call yourself "Mr."

So, now I am left with taps to be replaced, doors to be finished and hung, and no money to hire anyone else.

It's do-it-yourself time.

Handyman my ass.

I will post pictures this weekend.



Tori said...

Wow! Sadly there are jerks like this out there. I hope you can get some help doing all the work that needs to be done!

Kim Mailhot said...

Argh !!!!! That is totally sucky !
Well, I am wishing you soome really nice hunky and/or sweet fatherly guy at Home Depot to show you how it is all done ! Why don't they teach us any of this in girl school ?

Serena said...

How maddening for you, Genie!! (((Hugs)))

One of my other blogger friends went through a reno nightmare with so-called tradesmen before they ended up opting to do the job themselves.

Pen said...

aargh! how frustrating!
i get so worked up with things like this - the injustice of it all, and how some people get away with such poor and crooked business practices. it's quite upsetting.
but how typically genie-style, to take it in her stride and end the post with a smile. i admire you :)

Kara aka Mother Henna said...

PS: I'm LOVING your new blog layout and headers and such! beautiful!

Kara aka Mother Henna said...

Wow wow wow, you go Genie! Tell it! And how very stinking cool that you are going to learn to do it yourself! Can't wait to see how it unfolds... I see it all as art. You are bring the vision from your head to the canvas of your living space. Just another art form!

Anna said...

Oh my! What a royal pain in the ass. Honestly!

I've enjoyed catching up with your latest happenings. I love the new layout and the red is delicious!


Beverly said...

What a frickin' nightmare! It seems sometimes the easiest things become the most frustrating. I'm lucky enough to have a brother-in-law who can do just about anything and all the payment he needs is Mike's Lemonade. Good luck on your renovations ~ can't wait to see the pics of your retreat!