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Happiness is...

A cup of coffee first thing in the morning, warm and invigorating as it courses through your system.
A Friday morning when you turn off your alarm for the weekend.
Holding a baby in your arms as he looks up at you with a happy open face and smiling eyes.
A quiet moment when you feel at peace with yourself and the whole Universe.
A word of praise.
A note of thanks.
The feel of the morning air as you step out into the world.
Laughing with your colleagues over lunch.
Waking up in the morning, knowing the day is all yours.
Putting up a Christmas tree after years or not doing so.
Buying that perfect top.
Smiling at yourself in the mirror.
Finding lovely, encouraging comments on your blog.
Reading about other people's joy on their blogs.
A paint brush in your hands and a blank page.
Your students looking at you with sudden and joyous understanding.

There are so many things that bring happiness.
It's good to remind ourselves.
To savor the joyousness of every, single moment.

What is happiness for you? :)


Shell said...

Happiness is this moment. I'm laying on the floor and writing to you, Genie. The sky outside is a soft blue with wisps of clouds. Mabel is on the bed curled up and my tummy is full.

rosebud101 said...

Happiness is being with my children!

Serena said...

Happiness is definitely spending time with my kids, painting, drawing, long country drives, a day at the beach, a good book....just 'being'. :)

Love your list, Genie! xo

Anna said...

To me happiness is:
Sleeping past 5 a.m.
Making pancakes with my Muffin.
Sitting in my mother's sewing room, watching in awe as she works and catching up on the week.
Sitting the garage with my dad.
Having coffee and cookies with my sister.
My brother.
My cats napping in the sun.
Making music.
Long runs along Lake Michigan.
Reading and communicating with my blogosphere friends.
Saturday morning oboe lessons.
The color pink.

Much happiness to you, Ms. Genie!
It is always a pleasure to visit your blog.
Merry writings.


Maithri said...

Yes, Yes, Yes!

I love the list and I love the way i feel when I read your words,

May tender happiness surround you,


Pretty Things said...

Staying up late on a night when I know I can sleep in late the next morning.

An enormous stack of books to be read.

A day without a headache.


Kara aka Mother Henna said...

thank you for the reminder to take stock of what happiness is!!!

Been stewing this whole holiday weekend about happy. And what I want and how I want to be in the world. And you know what?

Happy is when I need not be obliged to the phone nor the clock.

I think I'd come close to losing all anxiety in this life if I could lose those two things entirely :)


Pen said...

happiness is... capturing a magic moment with my camera, hearing cujo snore, thursday nights watching true blood and eating brownies, feeling connected with friends, being grateful, every moment with the man of my dreams and last, but by no means least, visiting inspiring blogs :)

rebecca said...

"Putting up a Christmas tree after many years of not doing so..."

I liked this one very much. It shows the beautiful and hopeful place you are in right now. I didn't put up a tree last year to the dismay of my husband and daughter. This year, the tree went up, and it felt so yeah, I know.