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Genie and the Whale

It's been a very hectic time for me, as I am sure many of you can relate.

Work has swallowed me up whole and I have had some major decisions to make. My position is coming up again, and the question remains; do I want to reapply for this job? I have been making a list of pros and cons. And doing a lot of soul searching. I have taken amazing strides in reorganizing my department both in it's physical organization and in its curriculum. It's almost at the point of working like a well-oiled machine. Why would I not want to reapply, and reap the benefits?

Oh yeah, I detest the leadership style of the administration. Although they have been making some efforts to address the morale in the school; although they have started to support endeavors that are not necessarily on their agendas, I still am suspicious of their motives.

That being said, I am not sure it's better at other schools, and if it will stay that way...

In the midst of this, I have had issues with my poor aging cat who decided he didn't like these changes I have made to the house as much as I did, and pooped in my bed. Under the made bed's covers!

I discovered this when I got home Wednesday night. So I, in the middle of the night, turned contractor and tried to move the door from the now study to the bedroom to seal it off. 10 minutes to unscrew the hinges off one frame. 10 minutes to screw one set of hinges on another frame, only to discover the door is too low and scraping the floor. 15 minutes to unscrew and realize that the frame had the old hinges under a coat a paint still on it. 45 minutes to remove the old hinges. 25 minutes to try to hold up the door while screwing on the top hinges, getting my slipper stuck underneath. 10 minutes to wrestle my slipper under the door. 10 minutes to screw the bottom hinge. 5 seconds to discover the door was slightly too big to fit that frame.

Le sigh

At 1:30 am, I gave up, jammed the door in the frame and called in sick.

I had to take Stinky to the vet to see what's up with him, only to find out it's behavioural. I had to phone around looking for a contractor to help with these jobs, only to find they are all descendants of highway robbers... I had to wash my sheets and bedspread. I had to have a minor meltdown.

I also decided it was time to decorate the amazing tree I bought (pictures coming), only to discover the box I had all my decorations in was falling apart with mold and mildew and creepy crawly things in the basement. I panicked that the storage room was leaking until I realized, this was probably residual from the old house. I unpacked the box with much distaste, put the decorations out to air, dumped the box in the recycling bin, and left that bright idea for the weekend.

So, as I finally sat down in the afternoon to have my brunch, I decided to watch TV. Maybe it's just me, but I find I deconstruct things too much. There are far too many commercials on for stuff. Naturally, the biggest commercial holiday is rearing it's bankrupt head. As I watched pitch after pitch, the messages seemed to be the same. People are disappointed with the gifts you give unless it's a car or a diamond, or an expensive video game.

I got peeved.

Do not people realize, it's a gift to have someone in their lives who wants to give them a gift? Who wants to share a holiday with them? Who has taken the time to purchase yet another ephemeral object? We really need to get our priorities straightened.

The bright note of my week has been spending time with the newest miracle in my life, baby Tristan. I babysat him last night, and he brought me such joy, it made up for all the struggles. That smiling, gurgling, bright-eyed new soul restored mine.

And later that night, as I was going home, I looked up and saw this...

Even the poor quality of my camera phone cannot distort her beauty... I gazed at her and made my wish. And, as I made my way home, I was grateful. :)


Tabitha And Family said...

I have missed you so much Genie! You are a dear friend and I am always praying for you hon. ((Hugs))

Boho mom said...

omg Genie - I love this post! I don't mean to get a laugh at your expense, but girl, you crack me up every time.
The "night of the door" sounds like quite an ordeal, and yes, my cats can be equally demented when they're trying to get back at me for something.

I love your take on Christmas and the commercialism of it all! THANK YOU for putting what so many of us feel into writing! You nailed the meaning of Christmas (Charlie Brown) lol.

That said, I think you should stay with your current teaching position. You've invested so much of yourself into that school...and yeah, something tells me it's the same everywhere.

missed ya!

linda said...

lordie girl, i don't know about that cat, he just might kill you off! i know it's not funny but reading it gave me a giggle or two...cats can do that unfortunately which is why i don't have any :)

i wholeheartedly agree with everything you said and so wish it would just end...

have a great weekend♥

Judi said...

Wow! The sounds like my days - you start out to do something simple and the next thing you know .... the whole event turns into a Three Stooges routine.

We have a senile cat also - so sad - and yet so funny other times. Ours keeps peeing beside the litter box - and runs top speed down the hallway only to come to a dead stop, look around and wander off.

Yeah - A gaze up at the Lady has an amazing calming affect.

rosebud101 said...

Genie, what a day you had, but what a wonderful reward you were given at the end of the day! Tristan and that moon are beautiful!

Sarah Lulu said...

I can relate on so many levels ..
the work ..the cat ..the meltdown.

I laughed outloud at the line with
descendants of highway robbers...

It will unfold ...yes it will.

Many blessings to you. xxx

Caroline said...

I am hoping that your wish on the moon comes true. Yes, such a hectic time of year... Take a few deep breaths. I actually wrote a short story (it's on my blog)...maybe it will take you away from reality for just a short while :)

Her Speak said...

Le Sigh is right! But it's alright. Moon hears your wishes. She heals and provides. :)

Sending you Much Joy, Many Blissings and moments of relaxation~*

originalbliss said...

Oh MY!!!!!
I hate to take pleasure in all that frustration - but I laughed my ass off. When it hits it hits hard, doesn't it.

But you always find the beauty and joy and truth in life... even with cat poo in your bed!!!!


Serena said...

OH NO! With all the rearranging going on around here the past month, your post makes me feel relieved that my dog, Cody, doesn't have the temperamental attitude cats appear to have or I'd be in deep dog do-do. lol I felt for you with the clean up job though. (((Hugs)))

I'm so with you on the commercialism around Christmas. It makes me mad too!

YAY on spending time with Tristan and...that moon is beautiful!

Re. schools and admin. - an old saying my grandmother used to always say comes to mind....the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. Not sure I would agree with it in all circumstances but it may apply here.

Serena xo

rebecca said...

I hope things are better with your cat. I know how that can go! I had a behavioural problem with one of my females when I bought another new female in the house and the way she showed her distaste was by peeing all over the place. One Coach bag and a multitude of clothes later, I separated them and have them separated to this day. They're mortal enemies and they're both happy as long as they don't see each other; and if they don't see each other, my house stays pee-free. The sh*t we go thru for these friggin' animals!

Re. job: experience has taught me that it's the same crap in every other place, just different set of people. Stay put, enjoy the fruits of your labor, and set a goal this year for yourself on how you will handle them in a sense that they don't get to you. I'm working on this myself.