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Ain't Life Grand?

As I hop off the whirlwind that is my life right now for a little bit, and I get my bearings, I am suddenly hit with a marvelous revelation. Things are happening. Wonderful things. Every day. Sure, there are setbacks, and frustrations, events that make me want to tear someone's hair out, but I choose to not focus on those right now. Right now, I will take a moment to reflect on the successes.

As the year is winding down to an end, I took some time out on Sunday again to recuperate from parties and gatherings, from errands and gifts, from cleaning and reorganizing, from the myriad of tasks that are associated with my job.

I made a lot of wishes this past year, set a lot of goals, put together a lot of dream boards, and chose a word for the year which was actualization. In other words, I set a whole lot of wheels in motion.

Where did those wheels take me?

To actualization.

  • I wanted to rearrange my home and garden, and I did. My garden is a clean palette ready to be turned into a Zen garden. I rearranged my home for maximum efficiency and use, comfort and enjoyment.
  • I wanted to get back into a more creative living and I did. I started drawing again, making jewelry, planning creative workshops, spreading the creativity out to my students and colleagues.
  • I wanted to organize and streamline my department at work and I did. The physical spaces at work are now more functional and accessible to all. People aren't tripping over extraneous clutter. The courses and curriculum are well on their way to being more seamless between the grades, and the teaching more consistent between the sections.
  • I wanted to open up to life after a period of retreat, and I am. I am accepting more invitations, opening up to new people, and enjoying life without unnecessary expectations.
  • I wanted to travel, and although I haven't yet, I am closer to my goal. :)

All in all, not bad for a year. Not bad at all! :)

It's important to take some time and take some stock in our accomplishments. You would be surprised how many there are once you start listing them. Even in a year of challenge and hardship. There are silver linings everywhere. What are your silver linings?


rebecca said...

Hello my sweet Genie! I loved this post so much and it really spoke to me. First of all let me say that I am so happy to read that you succeeded in your goals. It gives me hope. I've become too accustomed to letting life just 'happen' and not making any set goals where I hold myself accountable to fulfilling them. Every now and again I get angry at myself for being so cavalier about 'wasting' my time/life. I liked your goals; I liked that you fulfilled them; it filled me with inspiration. This coming year I am going to sit down and set myself some goals and post them somewhere where it is visible all the time. One of the things I miss most and hate that I no longer do is read like I used to. I used to be such a reader. Now, I've become so addicted to this internet that I need to wean myself off it a bit and redirect that energy elsewhere. I want to get back to being more creative with my hands. I love it when I'm in that place and it has been over a year that I haven't done that. I need to start journaling again as well. Ever since I started blogging, I no longer journal. These are the things that come to mind for me.

Thank you so much for this inspiring post, Genie. If I have your permission, may I print it so that I may put it in my journal that I will now be keeping and read as a constant reminder of where I want to go?

((hugs and love))

Kim Mailhot said...

Hi Genie !
I am in a period of reflection about how far I have come this year too. T'is the season, right ? When I think back to December 2008, I remember that I was in one of the darkest places in my life. And now, just one year later, i can honestlt say that I am much more content and feel like I am living a fuller life than I have in years. I did so much work to get myself here but it was really just a matter of picking up the tools that worked for me. The best tools I learned to use ? Living in the moment and being as present in my life as I can. And also being thankful and celebrating what is right with me, and with the world instead of keeping the focus on what is wrong, or seemingly hopeless. Sounds kind of simple, but focusing that way has brought me to here - the end of 2009 and I am happy with where I am ! Actualized myself, I guess ! ;)
Congratulations on all the wonderful things that you have accomplished for yourself this year. I hope that by celebrating them as you have here that you will keep that great momentum going !
Happiest of holidays, Inspiring One !

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Gooooooooo Genie! :D

Caroline said...

That is so wonderful Genie!!! The words we chose sure did set lot's of things in motion. post today is all about choosing our word for 2010...I can't wait to see what you pick this year... :)

Serena said...

Congratulations on all your achievements, Genie! I'm still mulling over my word for 2010...can't wait to see what you choose ~ :)

Kara aka Mother Henna said...

So many silver linings!! You are so right that it's just the time of year for review and re-membering and re-valuing all that's happening! Love seeing all you've actualized... you are most invited to share this post -- or any post that feels like holiday fest to you -- for our blog fest -- just posted it today:

Not sure about my word for the new year -- maybe FEELS RIGHT :) As to my own silver linings... there are so many. I'm so appreciative of having learned that just taking the next step and the next and the next is what it is all about. IT is happening now. Don't know what I thought would happen when I hit my 1,000th face but I'm grateful for hitting in mid-way thru AEDM and just continuing on, making more art that for AEDM. Showed me that there are another 1,000 to come! That's the path. Being present in the creation... the "goal" the "end" the "1,000th" comes when it comes, and okay. But it is the being present in each moment of creation that is my living, my every day live. That was big.

So many miracles to you, Genie!!

gemma said...

Solstice greetings to you Genie.
Read somewhere the other day that success is measured in smiles, laughs and hands held rather than
$in the bank, deadlines met and pounds lost. So there are silver linings everywhere like you said.
Trees, birds, clean fresh air....
sunrise,candle light,chocolate

megg said...

Well done for all of the accomplishments this year!! WHOOP!! That is so important to be grateful for where you have been. Imagine how wonderful 2010 is going to be!!!
