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New Beginnings

Well, renovation woes aside, I have finally rearranged my home into the oasis I want it to be. So, as promised, I have some before and after photos for you! They are slightly overexposed as I am not very familiar with my camera yet, and I haven't had a chance to install Photoshop on the laptop. :)

Let's start with a look into my front hallway and porch:

This is the hallway looking out onto the "foyer" and the "front door" which really was an interior door. Safe, huh? :)

Here, the front porch served as an extension of the living room creating a fragmented flow in the room and leaving very little floor space in this small area. Stinky is lounging on the sofa, hehe :)

Ready for the after shots?

Through the old front door which is now used as an interior door, you can see my brand new steel door. I feel so much safer and warmer!

Now the front porch is a little haven with an armchair to sit and read or daydream in. :) You can see one of the folding doors that have been put up. The other door is still in its package.

Just as a bonus, I thought I would include a photo of my hallway bookcase that is filled with so many goodies, and is the temporary home for some painting gems by Danette Relic, Rowena Murillo, and Steve Emery. I am in the process of finding, making appropriate frames for them and hanging them up on the hallway wall for all to enjoy.

Now, let's move on to the once living room...

There is Stinky again, lounging on "his" sofa. This used to be the living/office room, but as it was set up, it wasn't conducive for inclusive and comfortable discussions. Below is my old desk that was against the wall opposite the sofa.

The desk was only good for the computer and had no space to grade my papers, write or paint.

Now, the room is my bedroom with plenty of morning light and space to walk around the bed, and dust under it. I no longer feel like I am sleeping in a crypt!:)

The desk has been replaced by my new (old) solid oak bureau that I bought at the antique store for 199! I finally have space to store my tops and jewelry and sweaters! Stinky loves it too. He is is not far from the action. :) I haven't had the chance to put up the painting Danette and I created yet. I need another pair of hands. :)

Now on to the old dining room. I unfortunately had not taken photos before I got rid of my old dining table which I donated to my department's lunch room, but I took a couple of pictures so you can get a before idea.

The window-paneled door was to the bedroom and was always closed. This door will be moved to the new bedroom for privacy if I need it :)

The table used to be under the hanging lamp and pretty much took up the whole small room which is in the center/heart of the house and was hardly ever used.

This photo gives you a better idea of the floor space in the room...

Now the room has been transformed!

Into a living room! I got rid of my old coffee table and bought this leather storage bench to take its place. I moved the sofa table from under the window to accommodate my TV.

Now, my guests and I can sit together, watch TV, share a snack...

...and some conversation in my new cozy living room! Now the heart of my house is being used daily! Whoop! :)

Last, but not least is the final transformation...

This small, west-facing room used to be my sleeping crypt with barely enough room for my bed. The blinds were almost always closed and the headboard was at the side of the bed. Making the bed was challenging, to say the least...

BAM! Look at the light, the blinds open to let the sun flow in and me to sit at my new spacious workspace and stare out at the garden! The pine dining table I bought is big enough to allow me to spread out and breathe! Isn't it lovely?

Plenty of room to grade my papers, write, work on my laptop, make collages and paint.

I am so happy and, yes, proud, for creating a brand new environment to live, play and create in. My small house has become more functional and enjoyable. I can live with the renovation setbacks, because I have the satisfaction of knowing I have made a visualization come true.

Whoop! Whoop! :)


Kim Mailhot said...

Congrats on your new cozy and comfy space ! May your joy and creativty continue to blossom there !

Allison said...

Oy - I love that it is transformed to include a real creative + community feel. Happy homecoming!

Tracy said...

Genie, it looks wonderful! I'm thrilled that you are so happy with the changes. I think it will make a world of difference! :)

Jenn said...

Hi Genie! I've mostly been lurking and reading your posts in google reader, but I had to pop by your blog to comment about the transformation of your house . . .

It looks fabulous! I can totally feel a brighter energy in the place just from looking at the pictures. You did amazing work!

I'm really glad I came by to comment on the post because I can see that you redesigned your blog since the last time I was actually here and I also have to say that I just LOVE your new header image. When I learn how to properly script and plot a graphic novel, I'm definitely looking you up to do the artwork!

rosebud101 said...

Genie, it looks great! Congratulations! Glad you're posting again. I missed your blog!

Serena said...

WOW!!! I LOVE what you've done with the place, Genie! Little Stinky is so cute and Danette's paintings will make a beautiful display on the walls. Well done to you! xo

Breedale said...

It looks great! I know this will be the change you need to bring great things into your life. You of course are already great, now you just have to welcome the magic and love that will flow in and transform your life! Great job!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Oh, myyyyyyy! This is fantastic! Look at that light! And the happy energy flowing free all over the place! And the yummy art!

Wishing you love and happiness in your "new" home. :)

linda said...

this all looks wonderfully done even tho it's not quite yet and isn't it nice that you are this far along?! ♥

apologies to you for being so gone lately...thanks for popping by!

differenceayearmakes said...

You have made wonderful and creative use of your available space! Great Job!

So many positive changes inside and outside of your home. Making space for new things in your life.

gemma said...

Nice Genie!
It's good to change the energy around in your home. Plus it looks great. Hope everything flows together really well.

Tammie Lee said...

Hi Genie,
It has been too long since I have stopped by! You must be so happy. Your place looks like home, all comfy cozy and wonderful. I feel happy for you.

originalbliss said...

I love the remodel! Doesn't it feel so fresh and new! Makes me want to overturn my house and start over.

)Is it strange to be flattered that my blog is on your computer! I scrolled to that photo and was like... wtf??? holy cow!)


Genie Sea said...

Kim - Thank you sweetie! :)

Allison - Thank you :) It does feel more open to visitors now :)

Tracy - Thank you :) It has already made a world of difference! :)

Jenn - Thank you for the compliments, and the honor of thinking of me for your novel artwork :)

Rosebud - Thank you :) I missed blogging :)

Serena - Thank you :) Stinky is the master of his domain. hehe

Breedale - Thank you :) I am open for magic and transformation :)

Paula - Thank you honey! :)

Linda - Thank you sweetie :) No need for apologies! I have been AWOL myself :)

Rebecca - Thank you! Making space for wonderful changes is definitely my goal :)

Gemma - Thank you sweetie! :)

Tammie Lee - Thank you honey! :)

Shannan - LOL! I'm glad you got a kick out of seeing your blog on my computer in the photo. Thank you :)

Steve Emery said...

Genie - WAY too long since I wandered the web and got over here. I love your colors here.

What really excited me, though, was that big painting... I want to see more of that. So I will go looking to see if you posted it further back on your blog!!!