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Where in the World

is Genie Sea?

Struggling from under the flu, it's been quite the week at work. There have been meetings every day after work, going late. There will be meetings this week. I have been trying to pace myself, and get as much rest as possible to throw off this cold. It isn't swinish but it's sapping my energy. Cough. Cough. Cough. I have neglected my poor little blog, and my wonderful blogging community. I miss you all and I will catch up.

I do have some good news!

  • Rebellion is afoot. Big time. People have had enough and they won't take it any more. Actions are being taken to overthrow the incompetent and tyrannical reign. And it feels good to have allies!
  • A wonderful group of highly driven and creative students found me, wanting to revive the school newspaper, and it's happening! Very exciting stuff. We are hoping for our first edition mid-November.
  • I finally bought a laptop!
  • I finalized the date for my renovations and the reorganization of my house. I will have pictures next week. :)

This weekend past was marked by tragedy and blessings.

A house on our street went up in flames, and we all rallied to support the family. They lost everything. We gave them clothes, and helped them contacted their insurance. It was sad that I met some of my neighbours for the first time under these circumstances, however, it was reassuring to know there are some wonderful people on this street. It was tragic that the family lost their cat, their home, their everything. I send them blessings for a speedy recovery of their lives and home.

My friend's son was baptized this weekend with a soul embrace ceremony that encompassed rites from all religions. It was beautiful and very moving. When I read my blessing to him, I choked up. And the little prince looked like the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. That's how peaceful he was throughout. We welcome little Tristan into our spiritual community and wish him a golden life. :)


Tori said...

You're very busy it seems!! Get better soon. I'm glad things are going well, hopefully they'll get even better. :)

I'm so sorry to hear about that family that lost everyhting. It brings up sad memories of when my aunt's home burnt down. I hope their insurance company is decent and doesn't make them jump through hoops like my aunt and uncle had to do.

Kim Mailhot said...

Isn't life an amazing mix of experiences and events, sublime and beautiful, and ugly and tragic all mixed into one. Being present and using those experiences to deepen our connection to one another and to our own beatiful souls is what it all about, I think. You live well, beautiful Genie.
Go away mean cold! Big hugs !

Suzie Ridler said...

Wow, there is a lot going on and I am so sorry to hear about the fire and the poor cat!

I also have the flu and am struggling, it sucks doesn't it? At least we do have blessings around us. So happy you have a laptop, I an envious!

Tabitha said...

I'm sorry to read about the fire and I hope you feel better soon! I'm also happy you have awesome things going on as well. I'm glad you posted, because I was going to form a search party for you. :)

Pen said...

hope you are well on the path to recovery! a new lap top should help the journey though :)

what a weekend! and to see two such opposing events closely following each other, truly reminds you of the wheel of fortune at play... sending much love to both families...

and to you too!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Feel better soon my friend. :)
My thoughts are with your neighbours who will need to start again from scratch.
Blessed be Tristan!

Shell said...

Rebellion is a good thing. Maybe the atmosphere at your job will get better now.
Take care of yourself and make sure not to overdo the meetings. You can miss one, right?
It's great the neighborhood rallied around the family that lost their home. still, it is a deep loss to lose so much in one night.

Lisa said...

Oh goodness...I'm so sorry to hear about the loss for your neighbors. It is a tragedy in many senses, but so lovely to hear that they had so many people around them who cared.

On a different note, I found it so interesting to hear your mention of rebellion! My recent world has circled around just one word - ENOUGH. Here's to wherever this wide-spread energy takes us all!!

rosebud101 said...

Glad to hear that you're on the mend. You don't seem to let anything get you down for long, though!

Serena said...

How sad for your neighbours that they lost their cat in the fire. :) It's good that they were covered with insurance though...that will be a big help them in the fresh start ahead of them.

Blessings to little Tristan! It sounded like a beautiful ceremony.

YAY for the revival of the school newspaper and congratulations on your new laptop!

Last but not least, I'm sorry to read that you've been battling with flu. Sending lots of healing vibes your way, dear sweet Genie ~ xo

gemma said...

Hugs and good wishes to all of yours who need them Genie Sea. Blessings to Tristan (That's my grandsons name as well) Kudos to your students working on the school paper.
Hope you feel better...go girl.

Dia said...

Ditto ditto ditto!
Isn't it *interesting* how events like these pool - the tragedy of the fire, the blessing of Tristan's ceremony . . .
& may that flu be on its way out!!
If you have some extra ginger, 3-6 Tbsp of powdered g. in a bath (drink lots of water or ginger tea as well) is lovely for chasing bugs!
