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Please Claim Your Own Baggage

As September rolls in, so do I.

It's been a ride full of turbulence. I hit some craters in the road. Some terrifying dips in energy and focus. I lost my road map. I plodded through. One step in front of the other one.

Time to reassess. Focus. Shed.

I didn't get much accomplished, except my garden which is about to be completed in the next couple of days. Photos will ensue.

I slept a lot. I retreated from the outside world for the most part. I spent my nights blogging on Big Brother feeds to help out a friend. Focusing on someone else's problems and issues helped me sort out mine. In order of importance.

After a rocky beginning to the school year, and a head-on collision with other people's demands, needs, expectations, requirements, suggestions, I came to the conclusion, that now is the time to focus on myself.

I spent most of my life accommodating others. I gave and gave and gave, until there was nothing left to give. Now, the only thing I can give is my experience. My journey.

My goal for this month is "Do not sweat other people's small stuff."

There are people in life who demand that you take on their issues, their needs, their demands as your own. When in reality, there is nothing that could be worse for you.

This is the lesson I learned at the beginning of this month.

  • One woman at work literally screamed at me because she did not like the desk she was assigned. Given the fact that there are more bodies than desks at the moment, this was an untenable situation. Yet, she got her own desk. She did not like it. She demanded the desk she wanted.
  • One man at work lost it during our meeting because we are proposing a reorganization of the curriculum under themes so that there is a more balanced and unified distribution of the texts. He wants the texts that he likes in the grades that he likes to teach which are only 11 and 12 University classes.
  • Another man demanded that one computer (out of 3 for 25 people to use) be set aside for him to use whenever he wants. He is too cheap to buy himself a laptop...
Here's what I have to say to that. You can't get everything you want in life, and I'm not a miracle worker.

I came to this conclusion after teetering on the edge of a breakdown. My nerves were shot because of other people's unreasonable demands. And that would serve what purpose?

Would my nervous breakdown get them what they want? Not a chance. The only thing it would do is leave me broken.

And I refuse to break.

I have come close this summer. My spirit and body broke down. My mind blanked out. I went into survival mode in August. I was a walking, talking, breathing zombie. And there is no surprise in that. The recipe required it. In the past three years, I had a horrific break-up, I lost both my parents, I took on a high-stress job in an untenable school, and I worked 11 out of the 12 months.

The fact that I am here today, and semi-coherent, is nothing short of a miracle.

So when these demands started coming in, loudly, obnoxiously, and selfishly, I found myself at a fork in the road.

To the right was a disastrous plummet of my own demise, as I would continue to cater to everyone else's expectations.

To the left was a road less traveled. One where I would navigate my own expectations.

It might be a solitary journey, but I have taken the latter road. And as I navigate this journey of what Genie needs, I will learn something new. Every single day.


Clarity said...


Reading your post, I see echoes in what I wrote "journey, renew, refresh, MAP". I hope that you find your map soon, I am glad that you are taking the time away.

Sometimes these things come to a head in order to make us realise, refocus and choose.

You are responsible for yourself, but I have to tell you, you are not alone.

Here if you need me, somehow. Peace, x.

Tabitha said...

I'm so happy to see you here!! I'm sorry you had to go through so much sweet friend, but this shows just how strong you truly are.

I Missed You!!

Kim Mailhot said...

I hope that you discover that there are other wonderful souls traveling that same road along with you and that you all keeep each other buoyant rather than stealing one another's lifesaver. You deserve that road of your own need and you deserve companionship on it too. Take gentle care of you, beautiful Genie.
(I have missed you too !!!)

Holly said...

Welcome back, Dear One. May I walk a spell with you?

Tori said...

I'm happy to see you again! I hope you can recollect your thoughts and navigate the journey of what you need. <3

Sorrow said...

What was it about August?
Glad to read that you are taking care of you!

Rowena said...

Wow! You were supposed to take a break. What happened?

You need to just call these people on their immature behavior. Tell them it is not about them and they are not the only people you must consider.

What is it about teachers that makes them the most juvenile of people to deal with? Too much time spent with teenagers? Too much time being the center of attention in a class? Too much time being the final authority?

Just stand firm. You see what is right. Don't entertain their whims.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Hey sweetie! Good to see you! {{{big hugs}}}

Pamela said...

Genie! I'm so glad to see you here but I'm sorry that you've been going through so much.

It's so hard to let the crazy behavior of others bounce off us and not penetrate the surface. You're a strong woman. Maybe you're so strong that it took this difficult time to shake things up and bring some clarity.

Please know that you have many who support you. You can lean on us any time.

So happy you're back, friend!!

Pen said...

so good to see you in your space again... and what a space you have created :)

Shell said...

I'm glad your not sweating the small stuff. Some people are so wrapped up in their own things, they can't see how wrong they are.
What helps me to is to detach from people's nonsense and focus on me which is what your doing.

differenceayearmakes said...

Welcome back.

Ahh, normal :).

Odd Chick said...

you are a very brave woman and that you shared your courageous struggle really made me want to tell you - hang in there sister. i love this quote (summarized): if you can do something about it then don't worry. If you can't do anything about, then don't worry. Either way, it's not helpful.

frustrated artist said...

Sometimes you have to just let stuff bounce off you. Working in education can be draining but can be equally rewarding. Focus on the reason you became a teacher and try to let the other stuff go.

Best of luck for a great school year!

Laurel said...

HI Sweets- found you via lovely SHell. I have to say that I too have dealt with adults yelling at me in the last couple weeks and it is stunning to say the least. I don't know how to operate with angry raging adults. It shakes me to the core and takes me a while to recover. Thanks for your post. People are people but I stop at yelling.

rebecca said...

Sweet Genie, there are times when the road ahead of us is filled with many prickly branches that one must cut in order to move on. I am happy to read that you have finally put the brakes and have decided to concentrate on you. Genie, people can be selfish and very demanding and I find that the more one gives, the more demanding they become. Go back with the attitude that it is not all about them and they have to show civility and some understanding. New year, new rules. They don't like it, tough. Time for them to learn.

((hugs and love))

Serena said...

Dear, sweet Genie,

I'm so sorry you have had a rough start to the school year but know that I am cheering you on as you take that road less travelled. You are an amazing and inspirational woman and you deserve to look after you and do the things you want to do in this life. Well wishes on your journey ~