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Baby steps

(click to enlarge)

Do you like children? Well, if you do, the following statement will definitely hold true: all children are beautiful.

Their eyes, huge with curiosity and sparkling with their personality, right there on the surface, draw you in. Their smiles, huge, gap-toothed sometimes, sometimes crooked, are easy, fearless, without self-consciousness. Their bodies jump and dance and run with abandon, like no one is looking, and even if they are, it doesn't matter to them.

We were those children once. We took in life with total joy and acceptance. With unconditional excitement. With a boundless need to know why.

Yet. Somewhere along the way. From there to here, some of us closed up. Broke down. Lost our way.

Our eyes became guarded. Our smiles restricted. Our movement cautious. We became bogged down with judgement. With fear.

Joy came with conditions.


Why can we not dance like children? Laugh until our bellies ache? Be secure in our beauty without deliberation, without second guessing ourselves.

There is no earthly reason not to. Yet we tremble at the thought of being judged not worthy. Not good enough.

Yet, just a few baby steps away, there we were. Totally ourselves and loving it. Like the girl in my painting above.

It's time. It's time to unclog our souls from all the garbage it has accumulated and dance like no one is watching, and if they are, it doesn't matter. :)


Shell said...

I do my best to remember when I carefree little girl. Bring back that energy especially when I'm acting. Like you said, it's baby steps to lead us back to our childhood way of being.

Sherry Smyth said...

I learned that the child I was, is still living inside my heart. That little girl wanted out VERY badly and did everything she could to get my attention and open the door for her. I'm so glad I did! :)

Tabitha said...

Letting the little me out was detrimental to my sanity. I wish to dance until I tire.

Serena said...

What an awesome post, Genie! What a gift it would be to view the world through a child's eyes...non-judgemental, compassionate, carefree, happy to just be, and living in each moment in joy. Baby steps.....YES!

Pen said...

hear hear,
let's twirl and dance together :)

Tori said...

YES! We all need those care-free moments... without them we become those grumpy people who've forgotten how wonderful laughter makes everyone feel. :)

Rowena said...

Children are beautiful, I think, because of their potential, their openness. They say YES all the time. Yes to life.

Of course they learn NO pretty early and they say that often,too... but even then, they are often saying yes. Yes to their own power, yes to self determination.

How do they close up? It's kind of amazing to think that every person out there today, every grump, every meanie, every thief, every addict... they were all children once, saying yes to life.

gemma said...

I face my day with baby steps. That first little step begins the journey. Lets DANCE!

Lisa said...

Beautiful. My children remind me everyday of this...the messes & the moodiness make the remembrance of the inner beauty & joy all the better. May we all find our dance.

Carmen said...

this is a new website, right? well love your old one but this one is much more full of energy and happy happy!
stay this way!