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Reject Rejection

(click to enlarge)

I painted the above in PS to go with the Leah's theme in CED Challenge. Several layers went into this, as I was working to create a nebulous textured look. Like my dreams.

I have been working with my dreams the past few days. I am still having trouble remembering them. I was starting to worry, and then I let go. Because really? I will remember a dream when I need to. Obviously right now, I don't. It doesn't help that I have a 12 pound furball meowing me awake every morning! :)


I will not allow this to become a roadblock or another cause for failure. Which brings me to my other online endeavour...

We are in week 9, of the wonderful Jamie's 12 Secrets Book Club, and the topic in this chapter is Roadblocks and Rejection.


Very few of us have not experienced these. The very frustrating "Do not pass Go. Do not collect 200 dollars." Pooh.

Rather than deal ad nauseum about my many, many, many (did I mention many?) roadblocks and rejections, I think it might be helpful for myself and anyone reading to discuss dealing with them. Here are some of my strategies.

The Cocoon and Wallow

This is where we curl up into a ball, preferably with a blanket, a box of tissues, and ice cream. We go over and over this latest stumbling block or heartbreaking devastation, crying and numbing our insides with the cool stuff. Soap operas may or may not be involved.

This might be okay for a short period. It's a time to regenerate and restore. But if it's prolonged, then it becomes this self-fulfilling prophecy of doom. Statements like "I will never make it"; "I suck"; "No one wants what I have to offer" start to play like broken records in our heads. The creepy gremlins have a street party in honor of our demise. This is when it's time to let go of the self-pity, and kick some butt.

The Theseus Method

This is where we arm ourselves with self-confidence and will power, and circumvent the maze of roadblocks in search of the Minotaur. You know the beast. It's the one that whispers words of discouragement and defeat. Roaring with laughter at us and our pathetic misery. Two swift maneuvers of our trusty sword, and we have defeated that form of rejection.

Rejection, I have found, after MUCH experience has nothing to do with me or whatever it is I am offering, but in the inability of the person doing the rejecting to see my Fabulousness. It's all them and not me. I have learned not to take rejection as a label of my worth. After all, why give the other person all this power to determine how worthy or talented we are? Who are they to judge? Reduce them to what they are - incidental minotaurs on our route to fulfillment. I take the helpful constructive criticism and use it as a self-help tool. I take anything unproductive out and burn it.

The Odysseus Method

This is where roadblocks and obstacles have lead us hopelessly off track until we are totally off course. There are one-eyed monsters to slay, sirens to avoid, hags to outsmart, and men to turn out of pigs. We get tired and want to give up, for the end does not seem to be anywhere in sight. We seek out to cocoon and wallow.


Roadblocks are just the Universe's way of diverting our route to a better direction. Through roadblocks we discover scenery we would not have seen had we stayed on course; we experience things and events and people we would not have encountered had we not been diverted. Roadblocks are just detours which are the most primal forms of adventure and exploration. Just ask Odysseus.

The Little Train Method

This is where no matter how many odds are against us, no matter whether anyone else believes us or in us or not, no matter what the obstacles inside and out, we just blow the crap out of our own horns. We chug, chug, chug and whistle "I think I can. I think I can. I know I can!"

The fact remains, this is the one method we all rely on whether we know it or not. If we did not love what we do; if we did not believe in ourselves despite the minotaurs and the gremlins, we would lie down somewhere and whisper "give." Yet. We pick ourselves up. We dust ourselves off. We pick up our brushes, our pens, our needles, our oven mitts. We send our kids off to school and smile at our neighbors, and take out the trash. We put away the blanket and the ice cream, and take our faithful companions out for a walk.

The Genie Sea Method


"Screw you! I know my worth." and smile method.

If we can't dropkick a roadblock, we can go around it. Even the Great Wall of China has a beginning and an end to it. There really is no such thing as impossible. I knew that when I saw one of my good friends levitate off the ground when I was 18, and under no drug or alcohol influence. If you are a novelist, you will publish if that is what you truly want. If you are an artist, you will sell and display your art, if that is what you truly want.

If that is what you truly want.

Reject Rejection.

Blessed be :)


Kim Mailhot said...

Hi Genie !
I have been known to use a method similar to the Little Train Method, a little crappy thing I like to call the "birthday party pony with blinders on" method. You know, where that big heart of yours keeps you going round and round in circles in your corral, trying to keep your customers and your bosses happy, and where the blinders help keep you from looking beyond where you are to the infinite possibilities out there. This method can lead to exhaustion and a desperate feeling of "Get me off this crazy merry-go-round!".

I want to learn and apply the Genie Sea method much more often ! And I will just bet that the more often I say "I know my Worth !", the truer that statement will become !
Cheers, Beautiful Genie ! Have a great weekend !

Arty Em, Creativity Traveler said...

Fabulousness -- yes yes yes.
I, too, have seen someone levitate without outside chemical influence so we are in that club of folks who know magic is real -- screw the rest of them!
Yesterday I explained it to my 14 year old daughter this way -- there is a whole field of cosmic truth that we live in that most people don't see or even believe in -- if we just open our minds and hearts and embrace that reality, all is available to us, including phenomenal success. We don't have to play by the rules!
I <3 your wisdom!

Boho mom said...

("If we can't dropkick a roadblock, we can go around it.")
THIS is exactly the kind of stuff I love about visiting your blog!
Great post Genie - terrific insights into this chapter!!

Tabitha said...

I am SO for The Genie Sea Method!!

Please visit my first blog and sign the petition for a cure to SMA for a beautiful little girl here:

We Appreciate You Greatly!!

Tabitha & The Strong Family

Kris said...

Hello Genie!

I see your Fabulousness!!! :D

One of my favorite creativity coaches, SARK, likes to say "impossible translates directly into i'm-possible!" And yes, the trick to it all is ... "if our That is what we truly want."

Love this, love you!


"If that is what you truly want"

ABSOLUTELY ... and I have the feeling rejections and roadblocks are forcing an answer ... :)

Wonderful words,


D said...

"Screw you, I know my worth." is such a great statement. I love it. You are right. This is what we need to be saying to the roadblocks or naysayers or, or, or, or.

You are so inspirational!

Rowena said...

Love it. I haven't gotten the chance to even finish this chapter, but I am feeling this one.

I have a different technique (aside from the little choo choo).

I don't believe in road blocks, anymore, I just think they are stepping stones to get you to where you want to go.

megg said...

Hi there! YES!! I love this post - i wrote something very similar but far less eloquent. We always need to remember that we have the power in every situation -



P.S. Hey! I just realized you are a Toronto girl!! I'm from just near Peterborough!

Tracy said...

The Genie Sea Method rocks! I love the fact that anything is possible. :)

Fatma said...

Full of gems as usual.

Yes you can.
IF that is what you really want.
Reject rejection.

Keep going, girl.

Tori said...

When I try to explain to people that I believe anything is possible I always get strange looks. It's nice to find other people who believe it too!

I am trying to slay my Minotaur now. The maze is long and winding, but I know in the end that I will absolutely need to defeat it and move on. So I will. Thanks for the encouraging words! =)

I agree with the other people who have said this already- you rock! We all might have said it differently, but we're all thinking it.

KathrynAntyr said...

My method is to view the rejector as an idiot and not "getting it." I move on to find someone who does get it.

This is a delightful post. I love all of your descriptions.


Serena said...

BRAVO for the Genie Sea method!! Screw those roadblocks ~ :)

love, light and peace,

jess gonacha swift said...

Such wonderful words of wisdom! I think i like your method the best-- that is AWESOME. ANd not to mention, your piece is GORGEOUS.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I know in my life there been some real simple road blocks and it would be so simple to fix them but we made them a lot harder by our choices.
The great wall of China is good example.

Thanks for posting and remember the coffee is on.
I also have tea.

linda said...

genie, fabulous post as always and another wonderful PS painting too! You go, girl!


Tammie Lee said...

Genie Sea, I am always amazed at how often you can create amazing pieces of art. Seems almost daily. I bow to you.

Caroline said...

Oh wow is there more to tell about the levitation?

My only experience of it was one where I can't be sure it really happened... though I think it did! I was the one doing the levitating... but also somewhat sleepy... and no witnesses...

Love the magic!

Corryna Janssen said...

This is a nice composition! Lovely work. It is full of colour and I like that.

Sheila said...

What? No subscription card for the Genie Sea method? Shucks!

A pastor at a church I used to attend used to always say we reveal our true character/selves in what we 'subscribe' to - I'll take a multi-year one to the Genie Sea method, please...

Tabitha And Family said...

I forgot to tell you how beautiful your art is!! I simply loved it my friend!

Genie Sea said...

Kim - Having unshakable faith in yourself and what you stand for is the key to everything. :) Kick butt girlfriend!

Art Em - All is available to us indeed! Accepting other people's rules to define ourselves is crap! :)

BohoMama - Hugs! Thank you honey! Dropkick 'em! :)

Tabby - Thank you honey and done! :)

Kristen - I'm possible! Love it! :)

Petra - Welcome to my blog! Yes the two yucky R's do force an answer! :)

D - Thank you honey :)

Rowena - Cheers to stepping stones! :)

Megg - We do have the power! YAY @ you being so close! I think I might organize a Blogapalooza! Boho gave me the idea! What do you think? :)

Tracy - Thank you honey :)

Fatma - :)

Tori - May you have the power to slay this Minotaur! I know you have it in you :)

Kathryn - Thank you :) Those naysayers truly don't get it :)

Serena - Hugs! :)

Jess - Thank you sweetie :)

Peppy - Thank you honey! YAY! Coffee! :)

Linda - Thank you honey! Hugs!

Tammie - Awww! I bow to YOU! :) Thank you sweetie :)

Caro - A friend of mine went to Tibet for two years to study with the monks. When he got back, he contacted me, and we had a very long conversation about his experiences. He honored me by showing me his illumination :) It was truly a magical experience. :)

Corryna - Thank you honey :)

Sheila - You have a lifetime subscription if you want it :)

Miss Robyn said...

first of all let me say thankyou for your continuing prayers and support xo - I am not visiting as much at the moment, mostly because I am exhausted.. but I think of you so often!! xoxo

I love the art at the top.. it is just gorgeous.. love the colours.. love the whole thin actually !!!

love the the GenieSea method :)

LissaL said...

You are worth far more than silver and gold! no one could put a price tag on you my friend! As for myself, each day I am finding out who I truly am and what I truly want. Of course now I may add levitation to list:)

intothedawn said...

"Its all them and NOT ME!" I think this is a HUGE key to dealing with rejection, and it really fits in with BELIEVING in our creative process and our creations.

And I loooooove the "Screw You" with a smile method. :-)

Steve Emery said...

Oh, yeah - it's all about "What you really want." That's the hard part. We so often think we want one thing (success, for instance) when what we really want is something else (safety, for instance). We're complex creatures.

Lisa PN said...

i LOVE the Genie Sea method!

More, more more!

i think you should write a book about your method. you are pretty brilliant. Just saying!

Genie Sea said...

Robyn - Don't worry about visiting honey! You focus your energy to making our boy better! :) Hugs! Thank you sweetie :)

Lissa - Aww shucks! Thank you honey :)

(intothe)Dawn - Weeee! :)

Steve - Indeed we are complex creatures! It's the hardest part to know what we really want!

Lisa - Thank you sweetie :) A book? Hmm. I shall ponder that :)

Fannie said...

Hi, Genie! Love your art.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts for this week's chapter. I enjoyed reading your ideas . . . inspiring. Thank you.

Merry Thyme Fairy said...

hi genie!
thank you so much for consistently checking out my blog. your support makes me so happy. :)
i had to laugh when i read your blog this week because my blog ended in "Hi-YAH!" and you seem to have the same philosophy. Rock on, warrior woman! your fantabulousness IS something to celebrate!