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Rambling Monday

Above is an image I made in PS. It's inspired by my fascination with graffiti art. Yes, I said it! "Art". A lot of people think graffiti is just "tagging" but it's so beyond that. It's urban art that makes otherwise ugly walls and surfaces beautiful. I have been to several exhibitions of Graffiti Artists in this city. They don't simply display their art, they make it while you stand and watch. There is so much talent there, and the art that unfolds before your very eyes, is stunning.

The moment art becomes prescribed, is the moment it loses it's authenticity. The very essence of art is freedom of expression. So I celebrate rogue art! :)

This weekend, I watched three movies that were absolutely stunning and absorbing - Australia, The Children of Hung Shi, and Bottle Shock. I will be writing reviews for them over at Ola! Moana . Suffice it to say that all three movies not only had stories which grabbed me by the heart strings, they had the most gorgeous cinematography.

Speaking of Ola Moana, and in the light of what we are doing with 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women, I will be taking this opportunity to ask for HELP!

I need writers for my blogzine, and I know that there are a lot of talented writers in the blogosphere. I cannot keep posting daily; I am barely keeping up with posting on this blog, so I need more contributors! If I can get at least five more people, we each can have a column we publish weekly. It's a tongue-in-cheek blogzine, so humor is welcome. If you're interested please swing by there and grab the email address, and fire off an email.

Today's post is very disjointed and rambling. I have a lot of things on my mind, and a lot of projects I am working on, so I am a little unfocused. It doesn't help that my sleeping pattern is being thrown into a state of chaos once again by the time change. Can I say how much I hate this? I don't understand why we are putting our bodies through this turmoil by shifting times twice a year. It was instituted during World War II for practical reasons, but last I checked that war has been over for decades.

Told you I would be rambling... :) I feel slightly delirious at the moment, so I will put myself and you out of this misery.

I will close by saying THANK YOU to the amazing Beverly over at So This is Wonderland for this wonderful "Triple Award"! Beverly's blog is so full of thought-provoking insight and beauty. Please visit her and spread the love.

This award comes with rules, but I will forgo them this time. This is an award of Great Attitude and Gratitude, and I cannot even pick 10, so I award it to each and every one of YOU! If you love it, grab it; and know I am deeply grateful to the blogosphere for allowing us to cross paths. I have gained great joy and wisdom, insight and delight through your acquaintance!

Blessed be :)


Kara aka Mother Henna said...

Madame Zolda and I looooooooove your blogzine and just sent an email to offer an idea for contribution :)

Graffiti RULES btw! And your PS image here it sooooo cool!

Kim Mailhot said...

Kisses on your ramblin' head ! Congrats on your award ! And thanks as always for the Genie Sea love !
Happy Monday ! (Is it nap time yet ?)

Tabitha And Family said...

I think graffiti art is cool. Congrats on your award you deserve it!!

Tori said...

Graffiti art is beautiful! We don't see much of it where I live. Mostly just on the train. I love your PS graffiti. =)

Daylight savings... yuck. I was SO tired this morning! Losing an hour of sleep is no fun.

I ramble on my blog all the time. I think most of my posts are just rambling to be honest. xD

Congrats on the award! You deserve it.

linda said...

I really like your PS offering today...the colors and the way you composed all the different elements is great!

congrats on your award and just keep on's good for you someone told me ;)


Judi said...

Like everyone said - fascinated by Graffiti Art - love your PS version - ( bet you where one of those kids who could actually make pictures on the Etch-a-Sketch !) to think *You use a mouse* !

Great! Now I've got a picture in my mind of a mouse being dipped in paint and used as a brush!

Rambling posts are good - don't sweat the small stuff - you're among friends.

indigo goddess said...

very very cool graffiti art today! love it!
i think there is something in the air. I have had the feeling i need to do a zillion things, and when I go to make a list- not one comes to mind. Random thoughts today for me.
Have a great evening! xoxoxo

Pamela said...

Congrats on the award! You certainly deserve it. Your posts are always thought provoking and beautiful.

I, too, enjoy graffiti art and am witness to it every day during my bus ride to work.

Funny, I was hoping you would think about contributing to an ezine that the Texty Ladies are putting together. I'm off to check out Ola Moana...

Her Speak said...

Oh Genie Genie Genie!!! Your paintings are getting C.R.A.Z.Y!!! Love it! It's so exciting to watch these pieces evolve from good to AMAZING. The complexity of the last two pieces you've created makes me clap my hands and do a happy dance in my orange typing chair. hehe!

Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

thezeninyou said...

I think this my favorite picture of yours. I love graffiti (when it's not used as tagging). I love the raw and real emotion behind it. How cool to see it coming to life live in an art show!

Serena said...

I did post an unnecessarily long and drawn-out comment re. graffiti art so I deleted it. I just wanted to say that I LOVE your 'graffiti' painting for today, Genie!

I'll be keen to read your review on Australia as that's the only one I've seen on your list...or even heard of, for that matter. I'll keep my eyes peeled for the other titles. :)

love, light and peace,

Genie Sea said...

Serena - LOL! Nothing you post, no matter how long is unnecessary! I drink in your words with joy, always :)Thank you for the kind words! I will be posting the review tonight (I hope) :)

Genie Sea said...

Kara - YAY! Thank you! I look forward to working with both of you :)

Kim - Thank you honey :)

Tabby - Thank you dear :)

Tori - Cheers to rambling! :) Thank you sweetie :)

Linda - Thank you sweetie :) LOL! Rambling is good for you. You never know what you will discover :)

Judi - LOL@you mouse imagery! :) Thank you honey :)

Sandra - Thank you dear :) Yes, it must be all the spring stirring muddling our brains :)

Pamela - Thank you honey :) Dare I hope? :)

Molly - Thank you! I love crazy! hehe Let's dance! :)

Caroline - Thank you sweetie :) It is exciting to see live art, isn't it? :)

Deb said...

Oh my! Genie - this is absolutely fabulous. I love Graffiti Art, (& living close to the city where there is rather a problem with tagging) can appreciate the difference between the two.

I adore the spontaneity & edginess of it all. You have captured that brilliantly with your PS art! I wish I had half your talent!