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Hear Me Roar!

(click to enlarge)

The thing about life is that it can be so full of misconception. The thing about misconception is that it sticks in people's minds longer than the truth. And sometimes, when seeking to clarify things, they get even muddier.

Knowing this, I want to address some misconceptions.

Acknowledging a problem is not acknowledging weakness, or inability to cope. It means bringing something into the light for inspection. Different people, depending on their perspective will come up with different solutions. That is not to say any one solution is better than any other. However, each person's method of dealing with the problem must be right for him or her. One cannot impose or suggest a solution for another without understanding that this solution is just one of many, that the person may or may not consider.

Here is the thing about me. I refuse to allow a problem to defeat me. I tackle it, until it is solved. I might get tired. I might get frustrated. I might wail at myself for not just walking away. Yet, I cannot walk away without having exhausted every possibility, every venue, every solution. Especially if this problem does not only affect me.

I am a warrior woman. That is something I have accepted about myself. I put on my battle gear, and roaring I jump into the fray and take no prisoners. That is just who I am. I defend the mistreated. I battle for those who cannot. I yell in the face of injustice, until it backs down!

I cannot and will not accept that any obstacle is insurmountable. That any road is blocked. I find a way around it, and surprise the enemy with his pants down, and. I. strike.

That is just who I am.

And I really like myself.

Whether others approve, or agree, or condone, or cheer me on, I like who I am.

I painted the above in PS to depict who I am. I am a lioness; but even more than that, I am a lioness that has had to ingest the qualities of a lion. I have had to become the Alpha Female so that I may survive life and its challenges.

Today, I read a post that shook me to the core. It has brought into light a lot of the gremlins I have been battling, gremlins that over the years I have internalized. Swallowed whole. This post is so important, it must be read by every woman. When I read Jamie Ridler's post about a movie she saw, Who Does She Think She Is, I felt my mane stand up on end.

I am not less of a woman because I did not conceive and bring forth children into the world. My struggle to be all that I can be is not less challenging. I do not love less. I don't have less compassion. I don't run slower when someone is in need.

I am not less of a woman because I do not have a partner to share a glass of wine with, to mess up the sheets with, to hold his hand and walk through life with. I am not less desirable. I am not less worthy. I don't have fewer needs, or more.

I am not less of a woman because I do not sell my art, or my writing hasn't hit any best seller list. I still create. I still have a voice. I still have something powerful to contribute and display.

Pardon my language.

But I fucking rock! :)

There. I said it.

Oh! How egotistical!

No, darling. It's not ego. It's me acknowledging myself for who I am. I have faults. I can sit here for hours listing them. I have needs. I can bore you with the details. But who gives a damn about those? They are just little stumbling blocks along the way.

I toss my mane, and sprint into the fray that is life, knowing I can do anything I set my mind, my heart, my soul to.

I am woman. Hear me ROAR!


Tracy said...

You go girl! I like your attitude. :)

Sara Moriarty said...

This post gave me goose bumps. It is rare (sad but true) to find a woman willing to accept her inner lioness and embrace her power. You are right - you fucking rock. I hope many people read this post and are inspired to claim their power.

Off to check out the post...

Happy Weekend, Genie.

indigo goddess said...

you do effin rock!

Rowena said...

You are indeed a rockstar.

Tori said...

I love your attitude! It's inspiring. You do rock!

Judi said...

Yeah! I've got my sticks and the beat is is building . . . I may even throw in a few flourishes!

I am.

That's a perfect message.

Tammie Lee said...

This says it all:

I toss my mane, and sprint into the fray that is life, knowing I can do anything I set my mind, my heart, my soul to.

big hug

Caroline said...

Wow you make an absolutely wonderful lion!

Kat said...

Thanks so much for leading me to Jamie's post. Now I want to see the film, but I am disheartened by the focus being soley for mothers. We all have a desire to create. Inspiration supports all of us too-childless or not.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

I like you too! :D

Serena said...

YAY for the wonderful woman that you ARE!!!

originalbliss said...

You do fucking rock, warrior woman! You are whole and exquisite!
And I agree... Acknowledging a problem IS NOT a weakness or inability to cope... it is AUTHENTICITY! Being happy and perfect all the time is bullshit fakery. Thank you for being REAL!

Pamela said...

Sing it loud, Genie! I love hearing the power in your voice. It's an inspiration hearing you claim it.

linda said...

such a great post, go, woman!

i am taking my blog private and wanted to ask if you want to be on my list? if so, i have posted my gmail on my profile so you can send me an email, then i can add you to my's a hassle but a necessary one as i cannot get rid of the trolls and it's too depressing ...


Shell said...

I believe like you do there is always an solution to every problem! We just have to find it or the the way will find us. Revel in your power, my sister!!

Cynthia said...

Roaring with you girlfriend!! Thanks for the Clarity to the issue!!!

and a most heartfelt thank you from my soul for your especially meaningful words on my blog today -- they truly touched my heart (yep I teared up)... and you are Terrific!!!

love & light

June said...

Wow Genie! You do indeed rock !!! I am stirred and fired by your post to take a look at my own supposed meekness and see myself in a new light. Thanks for that. Your words as always are so true and so powerful
Hugs June xxxx

Genie Sea said...

Thank you ladies! You are all rocking stars in my book! Hugs! ♥

Sara - The time has come for the Alpha Female in all of us! :)

Kat - What is more disappointing to me, is that after having overcome the hurdles patriarchal society placed in our paths about what we should or should not be, now we have placed hurdles in our own way.

Shannan - You're right. I find myself suspicious of anyone who is UP all the time. Well, maybe the Dalai Lama, but he is special for a reason :)

Pamela - Sing with me? :)

Judi - I'm getting my drum to join you! :)

Linda - I have sent off an email :) Anything to slay trolls. I'm a warrior woman. :)

Shell - So happy to be in this sisterhood :)

Cynthia - You're welcome sweetie :)

June - Meekness has its place, but not when acknowledging our strength in an environment intent on beating us down :)

marianne said...

takes courage to say it out loud- good for you! no kids here either, at 50, and my life is full enough and i have contributed enough and i, too, am offended at rolling the woman/mother piece all up together-

have a great day!

Marina said...

Gr-r-r-r-reat post!!!! love the picture: really portrays the idea :-)

Tabitha said...

Yay!!!! I LOVE IT!!! I so agree with you Genie! I feel all strong and ready to fight now!! LOL

Ann Vargas said...

Dear Genie, being a Soul is your primary reality, whether you choose to be a mother or not or even if you are a man or a woman is secondary. You are a magnificent Soul Genie, and a rockin' Soul at that! I love you!

Kim Mailhot said...

Rocking and Roaring Right beside you ! I so love your voice ! And I love mine too !

(I am grateful this day that there are Souls like Genie on the path with me. Thanks, God. Love Kim)

Jamie Ridler said...

Cheers to Lionesses and Alpha Females, to shaking our manes and sharing our roars, to celebrating ourselves and each other.

Here's to you, Genie Sea!
Here's to all of us!


thezeninyou said...

I think more of us need to feel like you... I am getting there... It's hard not to compare myself to others in regards of success...but I am dealing with that. Love this post today! It makes me want to ROAR!

Melissa said...

I'm roaring right along with you! You do so fucking rock!!!!!

I am woman, hear me roar - great song!


Genie Sea said...

Marianne - I almost didn't post this. A lot of my bloggy friends are mothers. I don't wish to offend anyone, but I know they are very enlightened and wonderful so I went for it. :)

Marina - Thank you sweetie :)

Tabby - We can form the Y-Women! hehehe

Ann - Thank you honey :)

Kim - You're so sweet! Thank you :)

Jamie - I'll drink to that! RWAR!!!

Caroline - Honey, you are incomparable! Roar loudly sista! :)

Melissa - I can hear you from here! YAY! :)

Nydia said...


Nydia said...

I had to come again and add something else to the wow!!!! I bow down to each and every word you said here, Genie Sea. Much longer before being a mother I already knew the beast that sleeps inside of me and that wakes up only when sniffing the need (or will) of it. Women are women. Mothers or not, married or not. Period