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The Shadow of Light

(click on image to enlarge)

Sometimes I think I sound like Ms. Pollyanna, because, sometimes, I feel like one. No matter what I have experienced, no matter how bleak the situation, I always try to see the light side, the one thread of hope that takes me out of that empty tunnel. I have known despair and loneliness. I have known a sorrow that grabs hold of my very marrow and shakes it. Yet, I hold on to the blissful moments, to the hope of their return. To the hope of their return.

In my attempt to remain authentic, however, I need to also honor the dark side of me, of life, of my thoughts. That is not to say I am feeling depressed or sad, but sometimes, I step into the shadows to explore whatever needs illumination. If I do not, I am in denial.

In seeing the dark side, I am thankful for the light, for one truly cannot exist without the other. The majesty of the stars needs the velvet backdrop of the night. The play between shadows and light brings soft contours, or sharp contrasts. Only darkness can truly illuminate the eternal glow; that is why diamonds are showcased against dark materials. In their co-existence there is stunning beauty. There is the awe of their difference, loving each other.

In my travels, I see the sadness, the despair, the pain of others. I recognize it. It's deeply human. I see the struggle towards the surface, towards the light. And it is truly a magnificent thing to behold. Because our pain is what makes us human. As does our joy. As does our need to feel the crevices and valleys in between. We ache for fulfillment and cloak our lives in the things that bring us bliss. A safety net against the waiting moments of longing, confusion, loss.

We each walk a different path, experience a different moment. Yet who among us has not been on that same path in a parallel time, in a parallel universe? We seek those of like mind; the comfort of their existence validates our own. Yet, equally we seek those whose path is diametrically opposed to ours. Lest we forget. Lest we become complacent.

I am fully aware that I am rambling. But I am humbled. Humbled by my blessings. Humbled by the very precious experiences that are missing from my life. Humbled that I have reached this far, and am still whole, still breathing, still hopeful. Still hopeful.

There is such debilitating beauty in this world. Moments that take my breath away. Moments that flood my throat with tears and blur my eyes with emotion.

Men who are not belittled by their public declarations of love. Women who save others from the jaws of despair, yet still find the time to create. Men who struggle with the judgement of others, yet have the time to lend their neighbor a helping hand. Women who raise their children alone, yet find the strength to smile and bake a cake. People who search for meaning in a world wounded by meaningless brutality and cruelty. Yet, there is time to wreck a journal and laugh like kids again. There is time to arrange flowers just so, and come back with yearning to one's garden that has thirsted with their absence. Students, so filled with love that they take the time to organize a party for their teacher. Friends who forget. People who are so absorbed in their own microcosm that they do not see an other's loneliness. People who go out into the bone-biting cold in search of elderly who might need assistance in a black-out. We are those people.

This is who we are. The light and the dark. And we are beautiful.

Blessed be :)


Tracy said...

A beautiful post...

"The majesty of the stars needs the velvet backdrop of the night"...loved this!

Beverly said...

Wow Genie, I so know where you are going with this beautiful post. Living a more meaningful and happy life for me is not about forgetting the past ~ I also have seen my share of pain and hurt ~ but to embrace it as part of who we are, learn from it, grow from it. It makes us better people, more sympathetic to those in despair and more willing to lend a hand when someone else might not. Thank you for this wonderful post!

Suzie Ridler said...

What a balanced and beautiful post! Oh the struggle against the dark is always there, isn't it? It is good to acknowledge its present without paying homage to its power. We walk a tightrope between the light and the dark which bends and bobs. May you always be closer to the sunlight than the dark.

Thank you for all your support my friend! You help me so much from falling into that pit of darkness.

Fatma said...

It is because of the darkness that we are able to recognize the light. May your world be filled with light.

We truly are beautiful!

Rowena said...

I agree with you about the importance of the shadows. But more than just the contrast with the light, we gain so much in the shadows. It's as if that is where the real growth, strength, movement comes from. That's what gives us the roots to move forward.

Just think about how much of the huge oak grows underground, in the dark, in the earth, and yet it is that dark growth that allows the tree to stand and to flourish in the light.

rebecca said...

This was absolutely divine, Genie. It's beautiful indeed when you can write of the dark times that we all inhabit in such a "light"-ed way. Without the dark times, we could never fully appreciate the light in our lives. This post was packed full of wisdom and understanding and compassion and gratitude. It was beautiful, G, just beautiful.....just like you, dear heart.

((hugs and much love))

Kim Mailhot said...

Yes, Genie, WE are. And how lucky are we to see, to know, to appreciate that beauty.


Caroline said...

Genie, this is so very true. We all have light and dark...sometimes we need to shed more light on our shadows...

jennlui said...

oh genie!!! what a very poetic and penetrating post!!! thank you thank you thank you for sharing with us your light AND your darkness... although i like calling it our shadow. we all have our different sides... beautiful that we can be open and honest about them!!!

we are indeed beautiful and complex being of light and dark!!!

peace and love to you genie!!!

Kavindra said...

Genie this is gorgeous, and what I crave! I love to hear about the dark in people's lives, not out of schnezaerfraude (and I know I didn't spell that right) but because we ALL have dark times and by voicing it, we learn from each other that we are not alone.
Debilitating beauty. What a phrase!
Just a beautiful post.

Her Speak said...

What a harmonious moment. :)

It's so true--to be balanced we need not only celebrate the beautiful and the blissful but recognize, acknowledge and in some cases revel in the shadow, in the sadness, in the unknown.

It's one of the many amazing facets of the human condition. :)

Thank you for sharing these heart soaked observations with us. May your flame always burn brightly!

Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

Kris said...

Dear Genie,

What a beautiful and tender post: Thank You! I really needed to read this exactly Now, and I am touched beyond expression by how lovely you spun our human pursuit(s). Yes, we are beautiful in our light and dark "contours," and you are utterly glowing through your words today. Truth is amazing to witness, and I have witnessed it here today :)

Love To You,

linda said...

how lovely is this post....

I am deeply touched by your words today, having read them through many times have touched my heart with them and your beautiful Spirit...

many blessings to your sweet spirit...

Jenn said...

What a lovely and touching post! Even in your shadows you bring brightness to others. The picture for today is really breathtaking too!

Tori said...

This post is so beautiful! Your rambling makes perfect sense. =)

Looking for the positive brings light to your life. I, like you did, need to accept that the darker side exists though. I sometimes feel like I don't want to share the negative aspects of my life. I especially don't like putting them on my blog. I need to copy a page out of your book and honor these pieces of me!

Thank you for what you wrote on my blog! You're right, there is creativity in the things I do, even when I'm not trying to be creative. I guess I just wasn't thinking of it like that.

Serena said...

it didn't sound like rambling to me. genie, the pure emotion in this post made me cry. neither light, nor dark, can exist without the other. we know that even through our emphasise the light, we must paint in the darker shades. our world needs the light and dark, for without the dark contrasts in our human existence, we could not expand and grow. thank you for this amazing have such a beautiful way with words, my friend.

love, light and peace,

Serena said...

i meant to add that i LOVE your image for this post ~ :)

The Muse said...

Perhaps my favorite art...:) you are touching my soul in this post...and that is a good thing!