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Good Morning New Year!

(click on image for bigger view)

The sun is shining on a cold new day. It's 10:34 and not a creature is stirring, not even Stinky! Everyone is no doubt recuperating from last night's festivities. Not I. :)

I am up and about, with my first coffee of the year warming my hands and tummy. Yum! It's quiet and warm in my home. The furnace is buzzing economically, the sun is pouring in through the shades. My head is pleasantly fuzzy, awaiting the effects of the coffee.

Today is the first day of the rest of the year and I intend to make the best of it!

Starting with Creative Every Day Challenge.

This month's theme is "PLAY", and I am so playing. To start off my festivities I created a digital collage of all the art supplies I am planning on playing with! It's filling up my imagination like stars in my eyes. I am so excited to carry on with my crafty plans!

Step One: Make my now mostly unused dining room into a studio. This requires that I make a work/dining table that will allow me the space to create. I will also have to remove the low-hanging light fixture and replace it with pot lights. It also means replacing the two side tables I have stacked on top of each other and buy a sideboard/cupboard to house my personal and art supplies.

Step Two: Designing and making the table (yes myself if I have to!). I picture an unfinished wood table top, that is large enough to afford me room to play and to be used as a dining table that seats 6. It also needs to be able to slant at a 45° angle to make it easier to work. It needs to have a drip mote running around the table. I don't know what the technical term for it is, but it will catch any spills before they hit my floor. The legs need to have embedded wheels to allow smooth movement without killing my hardwood floor. The table will have drawers at three sides to allow for storage of small items and materials (stickers, beads, brushes, stones, trinkets, feathers, shells etc.)

Step Three: I found this perfect side board/cupboard at an antique store. I fell in love with it. It's four feet in height and pretty wide with lots of drawers and cupboard with doors in the center. It would be PERFECT! except it costs 1,200 smackeroos! I am going to go there tomorrow to see if I can do a lay-away plan. I simply must have it, if it's still there.

Step Four: Replacing the hanging light fixture with pot lights is not something I wish to try doing myself so I will see if I can engage someone to do it for me on a barter system. The dimming switch will allow me to create the ambiance I need. :)

Step Five: Getting rid of the furniture I have there now. That means selling or giving them away. I am cool with either one. Or even maybe trying an exchange. Everyone needs something and wants something gone. So who knows? I will need to replace the chairs, but I would be happy with getting mix and match chairs from antique places and making cushions for them.

Step Six: Gathering my materials. I have a lot of art/writing supplies squirreled away in many places, unused. It's time to take stock in what I have and what I will need. Once the furniture is in place, the materials can take their rightful places where they can be used!

Step Seven: Replacing my desktop computer that is now nine years old with a laptop. This will afford me the luxury of space and mobility. I can get rid of this desk and reclaim my living room as just that. :>

Quite ambitious, no? But I really want to actualize this vision because this space is the heart of my house and it's unused. How un-Feng Shui is that? Having a studio space will set the stage for what I have always yearned to do, and by George (who is this George anyway?) I will do it! If any of you have any suggestions, I would greatly welcome them!

What visions do you wish to bring to fruition in 2009 and how do you plan on doing it? :>

May play be part of your every day! :>


Kavindra said...

George is Curious George, who is always ready to play and make things more fun.

I've been toying with the idea of a studio space too. My husband has the whole basement for his projects .... George may need to come in with his sneaky magic ways and help me pilfer a quiet "Mr Kavindra free zone"

Kris said...

Happy New Year Genie!

I love the idea of making play of everything, because in play there is joy, and in joy there is creativity's bliss. And you sound like you are playing well productively ;)

BTW, I deeply admire your wide range of creative endeavors and talents, because it takes a real fierce courage to attempt every new creative aspect. I applaud you!

In Joy ... & play,

jenclair said...

Love the first day of a new year--so full of possibilities! Good luck on creatively shaping your creative space!

todayandeveryday said...

YES!! play, everyday! that is such a great mantra for the new year. I feel like this year will reveal so much for all of us if we can open up and let our spirits play! You have such a vision for yourself this year and I so look forward to you achieving all you have set out for yourself!
Thank you so much for being active in my life these past months, it has been a pleasure finding you here among the masses!
Peace and love~

A rambling rose said...

Hello and happy new year - how lovely to meet with you on the first day of 2009! I am playing too with Creative Everyday. I love your steps for the studio space and your intentions for this new year. thank you for commenting on my blog too
Peace, joy, playfulness and inspiration in 2009 Genie

Eileen W. said...

Happy New Year!!

Yay for your new/ refurbished play space!! Perfect plan for having fun is in the works- good for you!!

I envision this studio space as abuzz with creativity, light and love. So be it! ;)

Fatma said...

I love the vision of your studio.
I also want to know if you get the cupboard you fell in love with.

For 2009 I am totally looking forward to enjoying all the wonderful art you create.

I wish you a a very playful year that helps you blossom into your greatest expression. It is already so.

Much love

KathrynAntyr said...

Great digital collage! It says, "Let's play!" It sounds like you've mapped out the ideal creative space. I love all of your energy and zeal for the new year. Aaaah new years bring such promise and hope. I'll see you around the Creative Every Day blog and the Secrets of Highly Creative Women book group. Cheers to a creative 2009!

Julia said...

What an invigorating post! I'm so exciting to sit and think about these steps for myself! Thank you for your kind wishes this morning, what a great way to start the new year :)

Judi said...

Don't forget yard sales and second hand stores - they often have jewels hidden beneath garish paint.

Although I'm fixated on my yard - I am also pondering a hand sander to attack some of my furniture . . . so I can apply garish paint!!!! ;>

Check out unfinished furniture stores too!

Corryna Janssen said...

Happy New Year!

Thank you so much for your posting on my blog. I wonder what CED will do for me in 2009. I love the way you are starting with it. I wonder: where do I post for CED? On my own blog or somewhere else too? Still finding out...

I wish you all the creativity you will need in 2009

Brenda said...

I like that you dream big! Looking forward to seeing your work desk after you have finished making it and getting to know you through CED. Thanks for your comment on my blog!

rebecca said...

My gosh, Genie, you've really thought this through! Oh, you would make such a good influence on me....why couldn't you live near me? I'm speechless. It must be the teacher in you and your skill at planning.

You got my noggin' thinking that's for sure! What to do, what to do.....

peppylady (Dora) said...

You got some excellent points on doing a craft room.
Soon I'll have a spare room and that going to be come a home office,and craft room.

Coffee is on.

Her Speak said...

How exciting, Genie!! How fabulous that the heart of your home and the pulse of your life will align in all of its paint-dripping-glitter-sticking glory! Your studio sounds like heaven!

Here's to making the changes, here's to being Women of Consequence and Creative Joy!

Many many Blissings~*

Tori said...

Ambition pays off in the end! You are going to have a wonderful space to unleash your creativity. =)

Happy New Year!

Steve Emery said...

I hope you can make this happen! Happy New Year!

Do you know of the Stan Rogers song "The Jeannie C"? I think of it when I see your profile name.

I'll be tuning in to watch the progress on your tarot cards, which I really like. They're creative, beautifully composed, and original.

Dia said...

What a well thought out *vision* you have for your very own creative space - I love hearing about it & can almost picture it. I think we ALL want one of those tables - wow!
Thanks for stoping by my blog & wishing my dau well - she deserves it!! :)

Blessings on manifesting your dream & a great, creative & playful year
(my word is 'dupersay - I translate it as SuperDay :)'

linda said...

wow, genie, you are incredibly organized about what you want from the coming months...I wish I could get slightly more focused...I am sure all you want will come to you! what an inspiration just reading all this!

blessings to you in the coming year...and a very happy new year

having problems getting this to post...fingers crossed!

Miss Robyn said...

just popping over before I go away to apologize for forgetting to explain smudging to you.. i was just reading Dia's blog and thankfully she explained it to you.. I am off on a few weeks away.. see you when I get back xo

Genie Sea said...

I am floored, humbled, thankful and joyous by all your wonderful comments!

Welcome to Jenclair, Rambling Rose, Kathryn, Corryna and Steve to my blog!

I will be visiting each and every one of you throughout the day if I haven't already! :)

Janet said...

Wow! You are off to a great start. I love your table idea and the sideboard sounds perfect. Visualize your studio and it will happen.

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Janet! And welcome to my blog! :)

Serena said...

Happy New Year and Happy Creating, Genie!

I love your ideas for your new studio space....what fun you will have at play. I'll be looking forward to seeing your creations.

The Muse said...

ooops im late...but filled with no less of best wishes for you, this new year..:)

mmm this year??? mmm ok,
publish my prose, and tell my editors that NO, i will not publish my prose under "that name" just so i can secure/garner more sales.

the prose should speak on it's own.

Marina said...

Great plans.
And great sideboard, too. But If I had to pick one big expense, I would choose the laptop! :-)

thanks for your nice comment on my blog.

blendedcolors said...

oh my you will be busy setting up your new studio, but that sounds like it would also be a lot of fun! i hope it turns out the way you want it to and i hope you have fun with your supplies!