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Showers of Gratitude

To shiny objects
our attention drifts
and hangs on
with dreamy bliss

What catches our eye? Captivates our focus? Fuels our imagination? Makes our heart soar? Pumps blood through our veins like a mighty river?

Let me start by saying. This community fascinates me to no end. Your creations. Your thoughts. Your struggles. Your victories. Your quiet moments. Your days of bliss. Your tireless search for beauty and light, meaning and direction. Your care and support for others. Your presence.

Before I even think about what fascinates me, I want to thank you all, for being.

I got three awards recently by two wonderful women in our community. There are rules to these awards, but I will break them. If you want to see them, I will provide links to their amazing posts, and you can read for yourselves. :)

Paula is a woman whose energy and love of life is greater than all the oceans put together. She is a loving wife, and a wonderful mother to two amazing children. Her photographs speak volumes of her love of life and her quest for meaning. They are captivating! She extends this light and joy to others through her comments and suggestions. I am also honored to announce that Paula is our newest contributor to my blog-zine Ola! Moana. Please take some time and show her some love.

Paula gave me this award: Thank you Paula! :)

This award is given to commentators who show support, inspiration and encouragement to others. I bestow this award to each and every one of YOU. Your comments are a continuous source of fascination for me. This is not a cop out on my part. It's not that I can't be bothered to pick five. It's that I cannot pick. Each and every one of you whether you comment once or every day, have given me a precious gift, and I would like to honor you. Thank you. :)

Please feel free to grab this badge and give it to someone or everyone who has encouraged you! :)


The other two awards were given to me by June. June is a wonderful source of inspiration. A wife, a mother, and a grandmother, June not only creates beautifully whimsical art and unique jewelry, she prompts others' creativity through themes on the Dark Side. She is a supportive and caring blogger who takes the time to honor others' creativity as well. Please take the time and visit her with some love. :)

June gave me these two awards: Thank you June! :)

This award I pass on again to each and every one of YOU. From cookies to earrings. From watercolor to paper. Your creativity springs forth from you like the fountain of life. You inspire thought with your images and words. You are simply wonderful.

And this! Thank you June! :)

This badge is one great big HUG for each and every one of you for being here. For caring. For being YOU! Thank you! :) Feel free to grab the badge and spread your hugs!

Please grab the badges and sport them with pride. I give them to you with love! :)


Speaking of spreading the love. I have a gift to give to one special person who I have met through the blogosphere. She is a warrior, brave in her conviction, overcoming obstacles and doing so with honesty and bravado. She is an inspiration to others in oh so many ways, so I made this mantra card for her to honor her recent birthday.

So without further ado, this card is for our Sacred, and beloved Suzie!

For those of you who don't know, this is Suzie's personification of her creative spirit Cinnamon! This is how I see her.

Happy Birthday Suzie! May all your dreams come true! :)

(click on the image to enlarge)

Of course Cinnamon's setting is the kitchen! That is her seat of power! Her weapon of choice, the wooden spoon is not her only tool. On her utensil belt she carries all the tools of her majestic creativity. Through the windows, you can see the stunning vista of Cinnamon's beloved British Columbia. :)


Steve Emery awarded me with the Six Random Meme. Steve is an amazing artist and person. His honesty, integrity, thoughtfulness, creativity and intelligence shine through his words and watercolors. Please take some time to visit Steve, and be prepared to be absolutely captivated. Thank you Steve!

Six random things about me:

1) I have visited every single type of church, temple, or synagogue at least once, in my quest for spiritual meaning. I chose not to be part of any religious institution, with respect.

2) I always doodle flowers and eyes when I am bored, to stay alert.

3) I make a wicked chai from scratch! It's something I inherited from my Egyptian roots.

4) I got my first gray hair at age 18, and it started out as a strand of golden tinsel. Yes, like the one on Christmas trees. It was gold for three days, then turned gray.

5) I made my first necklace when I was four.

6) I have had prophetic dreams of people and places which I encountered later in my life.

That's it for now! Phew!

I award this meme to each and every one of you again. Why? Because I am fascinated with people's life details. :) So if you want to participate please feel free! :)

I know. I'm such a rule-breaker. :)


Oh right. I forgot. I was supposed to be writing about my fascinations. I will. But not now. :)

For now, I will post an image I worked on yesterday. Yet more experimentation in a different style. :)

(click on image to enlarge)

Blessed be :)


alotus-poetry said...

Hello there!

First, I'd like to say thank you for stopping by and leaving a nice compliment to one of my haiku. :)

Second, I'm returning the visit as I'm glad you're one of those kind strangers to leave an address! :) So, it gives me a chance to say hi and to comment. :)

Third, this is such a heartwarming entry. There is so much we have to be thankful for, and your post reflects this sincerity. :)

Fourth, I too doodle flowers when I'm bored too, as well as stars. :D

And I once had a couple of prophetic dreams of people I will later on meet in life! I told one of my very good friends about the dream I had of her, and she was so surprised!! :D

Anyway, I enjoyed reading this entry. And again, thank you for visiting me. :)

Fatma said...

I loved today's incredible entry. I so LOOOOOOOOOOVE Cinnamon Suzie's Birthday card. It is so very beautiful. I was thinking of her today as she wanted home images. You have done a stupendous job.

You more than deserve every award that comes your way!

You don't have to write about your fascinations. We are soooo fascinated.

Tabitha said...

Your creativity and spirit moves me with each new day! You so deserve those awards!

Have A Truly Blessed Sunday!

Suzie Ridler said...

What a spiritual gypsy you have been! I think it's beautiful you sought them all out and are doing it on your own. I am with you on that journey!

Rule breakers rule! Technically that doesn't make sense but you know what I mean, LOL.

OMG, Cinnamon is totally fabulous! I love your vision of her, the toolbelt and attitude totally rock. I am thoroughly amazed and impressed by your vision and am honoured you would do this for me and my creative spirit. Thank you so much!

Kris said...

Dear Genie,

Your post was so tender, captivating, and loving: I thank you! You are such a very real and beautiful inspiration :)

Love to You,

Tracy said...

Suzie's card is the bomb-diggety!! :)

gemma said...

Yep I cam here and found what I was looking for...this is So cool Genie,love the cinnamon pic!

Tori said...

You deserve each award! You are amazing. And so is your artwork! Suzie's card looks great.

The Muse said...

Congrats to you...and to all who brave this blogland :)

I am looking at your experimental style....!

I really enjoy the ability to look at your various work...Its as if we are at a gallery...

A special showing as it were :)

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Touched beyond words. You make me sound really nice! Thanks. :D

Her Speak said...

I am so glad to know you Genie! Your wordcraft and ability to flow from whimsy to wisdom never fails to bring a smile to my face. It is a treat to have met you!

I am LOVING the tsunami of experimentation that has been taking place on your blog! I hadn't a chance to comment on it--but I found "Starscape" to be reeeeeeeeeally interesting. The figure's specter-like quality gives me the heebie jeebies in the best way possible. :)

Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

Judi said...

I'm dancing here - this was such a delight!The Cinnamon picture is so Suzie and adding BC out the window! You captured Suzie's spirit.

You are an amazing soul.

intothedawn said...

You deserve each and every award because you totally rock!

And I LOVE your visual interpretation of Cinnamon! Its perfect! Love the verse, the details, love it all! You are so creative!

Tammie Lee said...

Hello lovely lady,
Big congratulations on all your many deserved awards!!! I have to tell you, I often break the rules too. It can be so hard to follow them.

Your birthday card for chez Suzie is amazing! Really wonderful.

AND I agree with you, I enjoy all my blog friends, so very much!

It is fun to learn more things about you. I wish I could have a cup of your chai with you, sounds perfect for a -5F winter night!

Sweet dreams,

Genie Sea said...

Hello Alotus! Welcome to my blog! We have much in common. That's delightful :) Thank you for visiting and your kind words. I will be visiting you as well. :)

Thank you Fatma! Suzie deserves that and more. :)

Thank you Tabby!

You're welcome Suzie! :) Rule breakers rule indeed! Oxymoron or not! Teehee I am happy you like your card. :) Please feel free to take her. She is yours. :)

Thank you Kristen! :) You're welcome :)

Thank you Tracy-diggety! :)

Thank you Gemma! I am glad you found what you were looking for :)

Thank you Tori! :)

Thank you Musey! :) A special showing for special people :)

Paula, honey, you are really nice! :)

Thank you Molly! I am very glad to know you too. You are a great source of inspiration and joy to me. :)

Thank you Judi! Let's dance together! :)

Thank you (intothe) Dawn! :)

Hello lovely Tammie! Thank you :) I wish I could invite all of you over for a cup of chai. :)

Boho mom said...

You are such an awesome and positive spirit! I feel so fortunate to have come across your blog amongst our community.
What a cool, and creative art piece you made for Cinnamon/Suzie! Wow - you're super-talented, chickie!
Thanks so much for your encouragement on my blog. Yours words really do make my day!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Boho! It means a lot to me :) I feel the same way about you. :) And you're welcome. I am glad my words help! That brings me great joy :)

Serena said...

Congratulations on all your awards, deserve every one.

I ADORE what you did for Suzie....Cinnamon is so in line with how I see her ~

Steve Emery said...

I REALLY like the loose style of this one, and the strong lines. The cropping is interesting, too - where the figure runs off the page.

And I like the red stripe echo in the hose and the carnival tent - and the echo in the ferris wheel and the curlicues on her bodice, as well. As usual, you have a gift for this kind of play.

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Serena :)

Thank you Steve! I had fun with her :)