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Soular Energy

This is it, the moment of decision. I had to choose between the lovely side board pictured in my previous post or a laptop. I asked all of you which would you get and I got a resounding answer. Laptop it is. :)

Thank you so much to all of you who helped me with this. Your opinions and comments mean the world to me! :)

Now the question remains... Mac or PC? Feel free to use the poll on the left. :)

Mac is simply the best when it comes to graphics programs, and you know I am all about graphics. It's user friendly, viral free, and in all my years of owning them, I never once had to reformat, sweep for viruses, reboot, reconfigure, reinstall, or want to shatter it against the wall.

The problem is since I switched to PC (whose bright idea was that?) I have acquired software for PC. Adobe, Microsoft Office, etc...

If I buy a Mac, I must also buy software for it. Granted Mac software is less than half the price as the same software for PC.

PC's major advantage is pricing. It's a good $500 less than a Mac laptop of similar specifications, and I really do not need to replace the software (though I am using Photoshop 6.0 and they now offer CS4 which is several upgrades and cool features away). It's also compatible with a lot of software that my job uses, and there is more software available for PC platforms.

The setbacks: viruses, Vista operating system (yuk), performing constant procedures to keep the computer safe.

Once again, I ask for your valuable input and expertise on the matter. Mac or PC?

Now, on to less commercial issues... :)

I was enjoying myself surfing all your blogs, as is my habit, and reading all the amazing, creative, interesting, touching, hilarious posts. Thank you all so much for taking the time to blog and connect and be part of this growing and nurturing online community. :)

The thing that struck me the most, that no matter where each of us is, no matter what our personal history or recent experiences, no matter what our usual outlook is, we are all feeling a surge of positive energy the likes of which I have not seen before. Despite the economy and media dissemination, a lot of us are excited about 2009 and the infinite possibilities ahead.

That is HUGE!

All of us, and our positive intentions, our loving visions and hopeful manifestations of the present have a chance to significantly change the world from our little corners.

The world is plagued by natural disasters, human monstrosities and atrocities, senseless wars and killing (are there any sensible ones?), depleted resources, and deprivation of the essentials for HUMAN existence.


There is this growing positivity, this loving outreach, this compassionate outlook that is growing everywhere. Imagine if we harness that? We can power the world with soular energy, change the little corners where we are, bit by bit. A smile, a small donation, a helping hand, a project that unites in intention can do wonders! I am excited to be part of this surge of positive energy that will light up the world, better than any outlet. I am so honored to have met each and every one of you, your caring hearts, your tender moments, your soulful searches, your powerful creativity.

You have not only inspired me, you are inspiring the world.

You feed the birds, and bake cookies for your neighbours, you greet strangers with smiles, you offer a warm bowl of soup to a sick friend, you buy the homeless coffee on a cold day, and read to sick kids in the hospital. You raise children with conscience and talent and love, on low budgets through trying times, sometimes alone. You worry about your grown children and care about children who are not your own. You bring beauty into the world through journals and collages, paintings and sketches, mittens and muffins. You give freely of yourselves, your homes, your blessings, your ideas, your support, your inspiration. You search your souls, no matter how battered they are, to make yourselves better.

Do you even realize how truly amazing you are?

Well, if you don't, you simply must know that you are the breath of this world, the mold for a better future, the song of the Universe.

And I for one am happy I met you.

Blessed be :)


Jamie said...

Blessed Be! Here's to Soular Power (brilliant!) What a beautiful acknowledgment and inspiration.

Genie, I have a feeling this is going to be a transformative year for you!

Tori said...

You have a point. Even with all the problems in the world, there are still people smiling and being wonderful! You are one of them, too- Remember that! =)

June said...

What a wonderful post Genie, I do so love to come here and drink in the goodness of this beautiful work and thoughts you leave here. I love the word Soular power hehehe ...and i love all that you do. good luck with your decision on the laptop
Hugs June xxx

Kim Mailhot said...

Focusing on what is good and right is the only way to go ! The alternatives just don't work any more, I think. Thank you for the blessings, and for all that you do as well to add to the "soular energy" we are all building. That is the light and the hope for all of us...

June said...

Hi Genie, just to let you know artarazzi is a digital challenge blog here #

I forgot to link it lol thanks for reminding me :)
Hugs June x

Jo said...

I think everyone has decided not to let media negativity get the better of them - blessings. I loved that sideboard, but the computer will be more useful for you.

Judi said...

Soul Coaching - Soul Sisters Soular POWER !!!! Anyone see a pattern here? Inspiring blog.

Before I forget - both my brother and my daughter are Graphic Designers and they've both had to use a pc for certain spells of time and both of them were constantly wanting their Mac back - now that they have got their Macs back they are happy little piglets - go with the Mac!

Fatma said...

YES to Soular Power! YES to YOU!
Girl I am so glad you are my Soul SiSTAR. You brighten my life everyday! Thank you for your fabulous wishes for 2009. Totally delightfuLL.

Much Love

P.S. I say MAC

Suzie Ridler said...

I am now a completely converted Mac person. I am hoping to get a Mac laptop as well. I prefer a computer that comes with everything that works together and is hassle free.

Beverly said...

I too feel the positive energy whipping through the universe and it is contagious! I am looking forward to a magical New Year when it seems all is possible. The economic picture may be bleak, but we all have so much to be grateful for. I believe this is the new beginning of an age of enlightenment and I'm thrilled to be part of it! Thank you for such a beautiful post ~ it's going lovely with my coffee!

Kavindra said...

Lovely post!

Rowena said...

I don't always comment, because I have so little time, but I wanted to say that I totally agree with your assessment of the world. Soular power, yes. I say there's a renaissance of lovely coming. Maybe even a revolution of lovely.

If I had the money, I would get a mac. I'm just not tech savvy enough to be able to deal with the hassles confidently, although I've been a PC person for years.

Sherry Goodloe said...

I'm very hopeful this year.

As for the computer? I'm a PC girl, but when I'm ready to get a new computer, I'm getting a MAC.

Happy New Year!

Kris said...

Dear Genie,

And do YOU know how wonder-full you *are*?! I hope that this is the year that all the beauty, wonder, creativity, and love you share get reflected back to you in *everyone* you encounter :)

Be-Loved this year!

With love your way,

Her Speak said...

Blessed Be!!
Aw, Shucks! Your making us all blush, Genie. :) I have to second that--there seems to be a whirlwind of creativity and concentration in the community we've all helped to create. How exciting is that?! Not sure what's going to happen, but my guts are saying It's gonna be BIG...

I'm glad to know you, Genie!
Much Love, Many Blissings~*

P.S. I adore your personal anthem! Too cute!! A perfect fit. :)

Pen said...

this post is like a giant hug!
{soular} energy.
i love it.


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

It's a tough question - Mac or PC. I went PC a few years ago because of a job I got. But I was Mac all my life before and would love to go back there. Your arguments are valid for Mac. I currently use free virus programs (on advice from my computer guru) and Seamonkey as a browser instead of Explorer. Most of the gunk that can sabotage your computer comes through Explorer. Hard to choose, but I would probably go back to Mac now, especially since you can run Microsoft on it.

linda said...

hi genie, what a lovely and inspiring post~I have come to always expect that when I enter your space!

now as for the mac/pc question, hands down, it would be a mac for me...I HATE the PC's and everything BAD about them so, if you are going to give up that lovely sideboard (tears), then at least give yourself the best when it comes to lappies...a mac!

gemma said...

I've used both Mac(at school) and Windows PC at home. If you get a Mac can you sell your microsoft programs? Not sure about those requirements. Not much help.I like them both.
Soular rock Genie Sea!

Breedale said...

Awwww, Genie! That was an amazing post so full of positive energy. I love the soular power you send out to everyone as well. What an amazing difference you are making in the lives of those who read your blog. You are a great person and I agree with many others who have said you will receive tenfold all the blessings you have bestowed upon others. When you feel positive you can look and see positive. We are always presented with such a negative outlook by the media or other sources that most become negative. I am glad you are here as a guiding light to show us the positive you see. Your vision is amazing and absolutely correct!

My vote has changed just by reading all the great comments. Although a little pricey, I would have to say Mac is the best way for you to go.

Have a great day! Blessed Be!

Serena said...

I'm all for Soular Energy!! YAY! What a great post, Genie...and I so agree with you. I have also noticed the positive attitudes so many are showing in such trying times. That's empowerment in practice!

I can't really advise re. the laptop as I'm a PC girl and have never tried a Mac.

love, light and peace,

megg said...

...ah, but if you get a MAC and buy it properly, you can usually get it full of the programs you want (I am biased by the way - LOVE my MAC!!)

What a beautiful post! Happy New Year to YOU - may this year be everything we can possibly make it!!

danette said...

Yes Yes Genie! I think this all the time. Thank you for this post, it is all true, and it is so important to acknowledge this beauty.

I agree with Jamie, 2009 looks like very powerful year for you.



The Muse said...

ok so if Y~O~U did not buy the sideboard...
is it still for sale ?? LOL LOL

Jenn said...

I probably can't advise you very well on the computer purchase. I like my PC but know that so many people like MAC for graphic work.

What a wonderful acknowledgment of all the positive energy that is out there right now! It's something that I'm trying to incorporate more and more into my life. It's wonderful when I can find other soul sisters out there.