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Confessions of a Risk-Taker

(click on image to enlarge)

First of all let me start by confessing, I did not read the 3rd chapter of 12 Secrets. I have been too busy these past few days, and my brain threatened to short-circuit. I have started reading some of your blogs, however, which I found, as usual, most inspiring and uplifting.

So. Risk.

Getting up in the morning is a risk. No one knows what the day will bring. We take risks all the time: emotional risks, professional risks, interpersonal risks, creative risks. We risk every time we open our mouths to speak our opinion, or our feelings. Because no one can know the outcome.

Life is a risk.

Is that a bad thing? I don't think so. If we didn't risk, we wouldn't be able to speak or think, or create. We would still be living in dark caves, grunting responses. No invention, no discovery, no monumental event has happened without risk.

So what I have I risked?

At 16, I left my parents home because I could no longer take the tyranny of their oppressive rules. I went to Greece and attended University there. I sold my piano, for my tuition, and I worked to support myself. I sold jewelry on the streets. I was a bar tender. I was a waitress. I worked at a flower crafts factory. I tutored spoiled kids in English.

At 20, I returned to Montreal to pursue my Masters. I got a loan. I worked as a waitress, a cashier, and a bar tender. I tutored spoiled kids in Math and English. By 22, I was disillusioned with academia and decided I was going to pursue teaching as my career.

I lived with roommates, and stumbled into the world of dating and "love". I risked my heart, and my health in a string of unwise relationships, because I was naive and untrained. I was raised in a very sheltered way, and I had not really had the chance to interact with boys and men in a gradual way. My learning curve was non-existent at the time.

At 23, diploma in hand, I left Montreal to come to Toronto. I had no family or friends here. I stayed with my then ex-boyfriend's cousin for a year, as a live-in nanny, while I got my feet on the ground. The risk? Her boyfriend was a big time drug dealer with drug dealing friends and "clients". After escaping being murdered and raped, I moved again. By then, I was working at a language school until I got my Ontario credentials. I moved into my first apartment.

A couple of years later, I risked marriage to a sweet man who turned out to have no ambition and a big heroin/cocaine problem. Four years later, I left him and started yet again.

I risked meeting a man who I found through an online dating site. We had fallen deeply in love. I risked my heart. Only to find out he was married. I walked away. Goddesses don't work that way.

Then I risked it again with another man. It didn't work out.

And again with another. (Did I mention I have a slow learning curve?) He proposed. He was going to move here from the states. It was all set. He backed out at the last minute. The risk was too high for him. My heart petrified. My learning curve stalled.

In that time, I bought my first home, way too big for me, but beautiful, by myself, on a wing and a prayer. Two years after that, I sold it at a profit and bought my current, much smaller and cozier home.

I took two years leave without pay, to pursue my dream of starting my own magazine. I spent all my savings; my partner backed out; but, I kept it alive for a year by myself, then admitted defeat. I went back to teaching.

This is the skeleton of my risk taking.


I risk every time I post a blog about myself, my thoughts, my feelings, my struggles. I don't know who is reading this and how they will take it. I don't know how I will be judged. I often ask myself, "What makes your life so interesting that others need to read it?" Nothing. But if anyone, just one person, will gain solace or understanding from my blog, then the risk is worth it.

I risk every time I post my art work or poetry on this blog. To my infinite surprise, people have been most kind and supportive. And when they have nothing good to say, they say nothing at all. I love that about you.

Now, in my 40th year, or is it 41st, I ask myself, "What risks are you going to take?"

The answer? I have no blessed idea.

Right now, I am coasting through turbulent waters. There are spectacularly clear patches, and there are muddy patches. All I know is, I wake up every morning, and I risk. At work, I am trying to reorganize a department in near shambles and there is some resistance, and some resentment. But when the dust clears, there is gratitude. In my life, I try to smile and put myself out there in the hope that my heart will not be demolished again, by anyone.

So yeah, I am no stranger to risk. What is strange to me is the Hollywood ending that risk brings. Yet, I still risk the chance that one day, I too, will get it. :)


todayandeveryday said...

YES! You have stated it well--each time we tread into unfamiliar waters we are taking risk. All to often we look back and think "where IS that damn hollywood ending?" No such think, only more risk, I am afraid. Look at all you have taken on for yourself and all the love that has poured into your life because of it! you are more wealthy and blessed by far than many. Keep on risking, my dear it is worth every unknown step.

Kavindra said...

Yowza! I knew you were a brave woman, but I love hearing your risk resume. And as you say, every day is a risk.

LOVE your last paragraph! That's a good reality check.

Today's art is one of my faves.

indigo goddess said...

i agree w/ Dawn. I think if we hold back, we never get a real taste of life. Unfortunately the lows are low when we put our hearts out there and things dont work out, but the high's are high when it does. You are an inspiration, a woman, a goddess, who wants more and doesnt let obstacles stand in your way. I love that about you and you have helped me today, to take that extra step towards what it is I want. AND, I love this photo you have up today. It's beautiful......
<3 Sandy

Tori said...

You have risked so much and lived and done exciting things! I hope I can say I've done at least half as much as you have when I am grown. You're an inspitation!

Apple said...

Wow!! You have really had some risky experiences. I bet you have learned a lot about yourself in this life so far. There are many more risks out there. Don't be afraid to take them.
I love your artwork for this post.

Judi said...

Big, big hug!

That was one amazing post.It must have been draining just to write it, never mind about the stomach plunge to click the publish button.

Most of the time we don't realize that we have led an amazing life - we're too busy living it and surviving it.

Now - you are on a new path of discovery - you actually have a very strong base to build on - to launch into the future on silver wings of grace.

reflecting the light of the moon said...

it's true, we all roll the dice every morning, but we will end up stronger for it...just like you!! Wow you're an awesome insprition!!!

Miss Kim said...

Slowly, slowly I start to 'get' why you know something about Albania :)

Yur story is fascinating and so important to tell. Yes others will benefit from listening, but you also gain our love and respect. It's a two way street.

Kim (beginning to love you more and more each week)

marianne said...

i always figure that as long as i'm making new mistakes it's all about learning & growing! not taking chances can be safer, but i think very boring. besides, we all know- what doesn't kill you makes you stronger :) thanks for sharing-

Arty Em, Creativity Traveler said...

wow - a great post, and I loved when you said Goddesses don't work that way. Risk taking is really what it is all about - I want to look back one day and Know I grabbed life as hard as I could and didn't shy away - sounds like that's what you are doing and that is awesome - thanks for inspiring us -- I am learning not to look and wonder why, but to look and say WHY NOT!

Tabitha said...

Do you know that each time you post you give us a chance to care for you even more? I love that you are not afraid to take risks. I love that you were guided here to us all. You help me in so many ways and I thank you for it.

Warm Hugs

PS. I love the picture and that poem yesterday was OMG!

Rowena said...

You are brave. I always think that I am the kind of person who isn't a risk taker, who takes things slow and stays within her comfort zone, but I do things that frighten other people, things like giving up a stable career as a teacher to be an artist, or exposing my vulnerabilities in hopes that I can help others on their journey.

I have friends who take bigger risks, like moving to a new country with no prospects or money or contacts. And I think of them and let their bravery inspire me in my smaller, but just as scary, risks.

Risk taking makes us braver, I think, and stronger, too.

June said...

Genie, your writing is always interesting and personal and beautiful. I love that you take these risks with us here online and i absolutely am always enthralled by your blogs ( in my experience they have so much more substance than most ) I am guilty of not sharing so much but its a lack of time and possibly a lack of anything interesting to say ... Yet i feel blessed to have found your blog and share your world.
thanks so much for taking the risks you do ... i have taken so many myself and i agree ... life without risk is something not worth fighting for
Hugs June x

linda said...

genie, this is brilliant!

I suddenly know who you are, a wonderful thing in the land of blog! I hear you have had some very difficult and defeating times but here YOU are, making the most of what is in your life right this very you realize how inspiring that is? I hope so....and your words, "Goddesses don't work that way." Wow, what a title for a book or a magazine,for that matter! A beautiful and proud statement that I think you own.

thank you for sharing this synopsis of your young life, for allowing me to see into the world of the woman you are and how you came to be that special person known as genie was very inspiring and I honor you and your path to becoming exactly what and who you want to be with everything you very much deserve ~ the hell with risk! let us call it opportunity, shall we? that's so much more fun.

blessings for a wonderful, opportunistic weekend filled with all good things.

Miss Robyn said...

when I looked at the photo at the top of this post, I thought of Superman.. or should that be Superwoman? Not as in superwoman doing everything and getting burnt out but a woman who is a hero to me.... I am in awe of you with this post. You are amazing and the risks you took, mind blowing... my life here seems so sheltered.. I guess if I look back and sit and think I would be able to write some similar things.. I might just do that. Thankyou for sharing all of this. I love it. I love the honesty and I love how you realize that all the risks you have taken have made you who you are today - Super woman !!! xoxo

Miss Robyn said...

ps - all those things I did when I was a teen - I didn't even think of as risks.. but they were and I love how you have looked at them and yes, I am gonna do this in my journal - thankyou xoxo

Jenn said...

Beautiful picture and beautiful post again today! Thank you for being a risk taker and sharing your past with us. I'm so glad that your strength and courage hasn't been diminishing and that you haven't started to fear taking risks. You continue to be inspirational!

Connie said...

I love you.

See--that was a risk. A risk you might think its too soon to say, being that, well, this is my first time visiting your blog. But it felt like a risk worth taking!!

Funny, I'm at this weird crossroads in my life--and everything---everything I say--keeps pointing me to the word "risk".


Peace & Love.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Now I see I took some risk before.
But now I look at life as an adventure.

Coffee is on.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

What a life! So full and vibrant and ... well lively!

TesoriTrovati said...

Greetings Genie! How blessed I am that you found my blog.
I have yet to catch up to Secret #3, but I will! I am intrigued by all the wisdom that I am discovering from all walks of life. I was particularly struck by "Now, in my 40th year, or is it 41st, I ask myself, "What risks are you going to take?" I am so there with you! Being open to the possibilities is what life is all about. There is no script. There is no plan, there is only the unwavering conviction that we are on the right path for ourselves. I am so glad that you seem willing to embrace that risk. How boring would life be without it?
Thank you for being an inspiration to me today.
Enjoy the day!

Wendy said...

Well you certainly have lived and experienced a lot. When you become an elder, you will be a very wise one!

There were times I took risks and times I chose a safe path. My 1st husband was a "safe" choice. Ha! I left him 20 years later. And then, I fell madly, deeply, truly in love with a con man. He was the most passionate man I've ever experienced - but, unfortunately, he was married with a child. {{sigh!}}.

And now that I am married to the most wonderful, caring, hard-working, loving and gentle man, life has thrown us a curve. He was diagnosed 7 years ago with COPD (chronic obstructive lung disease). He's been on oxygen ever since. Life is so full of ups and downs....
BTW - I am from Montreal. I'm living in Hudson.

Steve Emery said...


Wow - rough road, with some REALLY bumpy patches, dangerous, even. My life is pretty smooth and quiet compared to yours. My risks (I've only taken a few) have paid off better, by chance and the good thinking of others. You, on the other hand, have really stepped out and done some things.

I hope you stay brave and keep taking those "opportunities," as Linda calls them. But I also hope you can pick the best ones, and pass on the bad ones. That's the hard part...

Kris said...

Dear Genie,

Thank you for sharing from your life: I really needed to hear what you wrote about taking the risk to speak, rise, and love, and to move on with grace when needed. You are not a profile of risk, but a profile in graceful courage: I applaud you!

With Love,

Beautiful Witch said...

I am in awe of all the risks you have taken. You are so brave, and you have lived so much. I too am glad that you shouted YES from the time you were 16, and that you still shout YES now. You are very inspiring!

Fatma said...

Every risk was a stepping stone to the Goddess you are today. That woman on the building knows that she has wings to fly just like you. So fly Goddess with your beautiful white wings and know that I am delighted for you.

gemma said...

Sorry I am so late commenting... I was out taking risks this weekend. Your story and the risks in your life are so moving. Your honesty
and authenticity are refreshing. I guess we have all navigated risky waters. I do know it took me a long time to find out that I didn't need another person to make me whole. I am whole unto myself. Believe me when I tell you I have cast pearls before swine as well.

The Muse said...

i find a spirit of inner courage in you that speaks volumes to me...i admire you...
and i must admit that i wish i had more of that.
i am still growing, perhaps i will get stronger.

Jennifer said...

What an inspiring blog! I honestly adore reading other people's stories of risk, love, learning, growing, and strength and you, dear lady are one brave, courageous and strong woman. Your post also helps me in my own growth and for that I thank you for taking the risk and writing more about yourself~

Genie Sea said...

Gemma! :) No need to apologize for lateness. There is no schedule :) We don't need other to make us whole, but it's great to have other whole beings around :)

Oh Musey! Thank you. :) I admire you too! :)

Thank you Gypsy! :)I am so very glad my post has helped you! YAY! :)

Serena said...

Thanks for sharing some of life life risks, seems I have also had a slow learning curve when it came down to relationships with the men in my own life. I look back now and see just how great a risks they were. It's so nice to know more about you and I so appreciate your honesty. Life IS an adventure in itself.

love, light and peace,

Genie Sea said...

Oh Serena honey, you're welcome! :)Risk does have its rewards even if they are not so obvious :)

Ananda said...

i adore your risk confession. your blogs are tremendous. may you continue to risk and grow.

LissaL said...

Anyone who lacks courage should read your post.Thanks I so needed it.

Claudia said...

To get up after a fall, raise your head and move on - that takes a lot of courage. Forget the Hollywood ending, YOUR ´happy ending is on it´s way.

Gemini Visions said...

Woah.....girl you have taken some risks and then some.

I am so sorry to be just reading this now...week's been maddening and I haven't been feeling well.

I am a "slow learning curve" on the opposite sex part so I feel you on that.

Thanks for your beautiful honesty...we 40 (or 41 year olds?..LOL!) got to stick together and weather it all. Thanks also for visiting my blog and commenting.

Peace and blessings.


Genie Sea said...

Ananda - Thank you so much and welcome to my blog! :)

Lissa - Thank you and welcome to my blog! :)

Claudia - Thank you honey, and from your fingertips to the Universe's ears! :)

Art Visions - Welcome to my blog! Yes, I can use some companions in this journey! Thank you :)