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Here it is. Sunday. A lazy day. Yet my mind swirls in a most uncooperative fashion. I know it's full of "junk" because I have been sleeping badly. Sleep has overtaken me this weekend, and I let it. I had to catch up. Yet, the mind keeps working, smothered by vines of thought.

Money problems: I need to find a way to overcome them. They smother me. I need to visualize a 50K check in my future, that will afford me some freedom from the "paycheck to paycheck" existence. A book advance perhaps? On a book that has not yet been written. One that will be essential for everyone to read? Yes, that's the ticket. OHM!

Job interview tomorrow, for the head in my department: Do I have the qualities to do this job successfully? Hell, yes. I am organized. I have a vision. I know what I am doing. I am patient (mostly). I am honest and straightforward. Will this job enrich my life or bog it down with more junk to clog my brain? One thing is for sure, I trust my destiny to myself a hell of a lot more than I do in other people's hands.

My raging garden: I think, one morning I will not be able to get out of my house because the weeds and the plants will have sealed me in. I talked to a landscaper two weeks ago and he said he would get back to me this week. I have heard nothing. Maybe, he is caught in the weeds somewhere.

The health "care system": What an oxymoron if I ever saw one. Doctors are "firing" patients. Hospitals are nearly killing people in their care. Good luck finding a family doctor, nevermind finding one you can trust to care for you properly. They have become drug dispensers for the pharmaceutical companies, and when you walk in their door, the CHA-CHING is deafening. I can't rely on google for my diagnosis... I will stick to alternative medecine, because there is wisdom there, and the practitioners actually take the time to get to know you, and understand your issues.

I see a pattern. Where did I put my machete? I have some cutting down to do! :)


Sandy said...


As I told you before, I really enjoy reading what you write. I ♥love♥ your comments on the BB Dish and check your blog for updates periodically.

As a fellow teacher, I can understand your financial woes...I always joke that I had to get married to support my teaching habit. Tongue in cheek, but there's some truth. I'd probably be an accountant if I hadn't gotten married. It helps that I was able to continue my education and get the PhD--some days more pressure for sure, but definitely an increase in salary.

One thing I've always remembered Oprah saying was that you need to find what you love in life and the money will come. For years, I kept wondering if that meant I really didn't love teaching!??!! I'll probably never get rich like Oprah, but some days the rewards from students can make you feel very rich.

Hope the interview went well. I think they should give you the job!!:)

Thank you for sharing your blog! It is easy to see that you have a big heart and I can "hear" your inner beauty when I read your writing.

I will miss the bloggers when this season of BB is over (even though I mostly lurk, I'm there). Don't know that I will watch Survivor or TAR, but will check in to see what's up with ya'll.

Genie Sea said...

Aww Sandy. Thank you so much!

So glad you comment on my blog! I am honored! :)

RedRhonda said...

Hey Genie!!!

I was checking your blog, to check on you to see how you were doing. Miss you so very much! Hope you get the job, can't think of anyone more deserving! Think I have already told you how very much teachers are the backbone of our society...they are helping to raise the next generation! Love ya for that!!

Miss you so very much and can't wait to see you on the dish again. If you get a chance ( always there if you want to chat or need someone to talk to! Really do feel like we all are family and here for you for laughs, cries, or whatever! Hugs and smoochies!


Genie Sea said...

Hiya Red!

It's weird not having the daily interaction of the dish, isn't it?

I got the job. Thank you for asking!

I hope all is well with you! I am just letting each day take care of itself for now. That's all I can do.

That and follow my instincts! :)

How are you doing? How's the hip?

Can't wait 'til Thursday! hehe