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The Future

Yes, I'm back! I know it's been a bumpy ride with my blogging and my writing. I've been struggling not with writing per se, but what to write about. I'n waffling between writing fiction or non-fiction. My mind is cluttered with ideas and directions. Which means I haven't been writing. But, that's a cop out. I do write but I cannot label myself or my writing.

I've made a resolution to write every day and see where that takes me. So the journey begins. For now I am writing about Big Brother 16 - a reality TV show I've been into for years. I thought I would stop this year but I just can't. So, for the summer, I will be blogging on my BB blog and when I can here until I can devote my time to this blog come September.

Want to read about Big Brother? Join me here Big Brother Shenanigans!

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