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Fire Light

Fruition sparkles on the drops
of morning dew
that kiss the buds
on their sweet tops

From rose to tulip the bee hops
Spreading the seeds
of future crops

In sweetened honey the sun glows
languid with beauty
that surely grows

On skin
On tongue
On smiling sun

This is the day
This is the one
That we enliven
The dreams we spun
Under the cloak of many stars
We finally greet
what once seemed far

The air is crystal
with promises
Dissolve the 'was'
Embrace the 'is'

And dance with feet
on lavish soil
Enjoy the bounty
of our toil

Moistened by tears
That washed us clean
Enslaved by fears
That once have been

We greet the day
so ripe with glee
Reflect the smile
Accept the 'me'

On budding lips
your smile unfolds
your diamond eyes
your hearts of gold

Nothing was lost
Nothing was sold
It's open now
in manifold
into the fire
of your intention.

Blessed be.

Today, I offer my companions in the journey of Soul Discovery the bounties of the Empress. Open is the way for us to step into our fruition. Into the Empresses we are. Each and every one of you deserves the bounty that life has to offer. It is all there, within your reach. You are the Queens of your own domain. Command it and it shall be done. You are all powerful monarchs of your beautiful souls. It has been my great honor and joy to have been touched by your words of wisdom, by the kaleidoscope of your support, by the beauty of who you are.

May in this, the last day of fire, you embody your passion, and send it out into the world like beacons of light. Because that is what you are to me, warm beautiful fires that light the path.

Thank you :)


Suzie Ridler said...

Perfect! I am snowed in and feel like getting craft. I'm in! Those cards are so beautiful.

Judi said...

That's odd - while reading your post, I thought "Suzie would be inspired - hope she reads this" And she did already!

Both your cards and your poetry inspire.
Bright Blessing.

Caroline said...

Beautiful post as usual...I love your poetry and cards. I am going to get as much from this day as I can and be fruitful!

Claudia said...

Thank YOU!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Suzie! ♥ I can't wait to see what you craft today! :)

Thank you Judi! ♥ It's lovely that we are becoming so intuitively connected! :)

Thank you Caroline! ♥ I know you will make this day the best it can be for yourself and others! :)

Thank you Claudia! ♥

Her Speak said...

Your Prayers/Poetry are always just the right thing! Gets me up, awake and in the mood!

Many Blissings~*

Tabitha said...

Both your poetry and the card are simply breathless.

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Molly! ♥ You are an inspiration to me! :)

Thank you Tabby! ♥ :)You rock! :)

Dia said...

Love it!! them - & love that Empress energy!
In the Tarot Handbook, author Angeles Arrien suggests using the major arcana as a guide for the energy of each personal year, beginning with your birthday. (add day & month to the full year, & reduce) this is a 12 year for me - just read her blurb on Hanged Man - hey, what a great time to be doing Soul Coaching!! Thanks :)

It's fun to see family patterns - I'm a 'star' & my kids are each 'hermits!' :)

creativehealinggoddess said...

Thank you empress, been fighting the fever or oven burning viruses lol

Such abundant soul food ....

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

This reminded me of an old game we used to play with my kids and nieces/nephews wehere I was "Empress of the known Universe, the Universe yet to know and all parallel universes" Lol!

Thanks for the smile. :)

Serena said...

I know I'm always going to be in for a treat when I visit your blog and I wasn't disappointed....that card is gorgeous! The poem is beautiful, touching and soooooo US at this point in time! Thank you for blessing us with your inspiring words today.

love, light and peace,

peppylady (Dora) said...

Thank you I need this.

Coffee is on.

Tori said...

Beautiful post, I love the poem. I have been looking for something to kick me in the butt and make me write. I think this is it. ;)

Allison said...

I love 'the air is crystal with promises' ...such a beautiful description.

Thank you for the added inspiration!

Kelly said...

Your poetry is so inspiring. It does seem like a prayer...beautifully done!!

Boho mom said...

Love it!
Makes me feel better...I've fallen so behind, but still love reading about your progress.
Keep up the fabulous work!

Genie Sea said...

I cannot thank you enough. I cherish each and every one of you! :)

Jamie Ridler said...

Thank you for embodying the Empress and sharing her gifts with all of us.