Yesterday was a very good day. I embraced the spirit of fun and let it warm all those around me. Even those who did not want it. It wasn't easy. The minute I entered our office, the problems descended upon me.
One man was having issues with what he was being asked to do by management. I reassured him and told him I was there if he needed support on the issue. That seemed to ease his burden. Then, I found out that I had two days to prepare a presentation for Grade 8 Parents Night. I smiled, while singing under my breath, and threw something together in my head. Check. During my first class, an awesome supply teacher came in to give me a heads up that trouble was stirring. One of the teachers in my department suddenly and without warning called in an indefinite leave of absence. In the middle of the semester... No problem. I took out my list of candidates I have for next semester's leaves and gave it to the office. We still had fun with Shakespeare in my class. They did choral readings. It was hilarious.
Normally, by the end of the day, I would have wanted to curl up into a ball, but no. I put together a proposal for a fun day of Professional Development for my department: browsing through various bookstores in the morning, followed by a pow wow at Future Bakery before we go to the workshop I am conducting regarding Blogging and the Classroom.
Then I got on the computer and blasted a song on You Tube: Beautiful UR by Deborah Cox and danced. :) Here it is! I dedicate it to you! :) Look at the lyrics! They are awesome. :)
Coming from the HIGH of yesterday's experience, we are asked to examine our shadows today. Look down and within. Okay, let's DO this! :)
I have never avoided shadows or my shadow self. Indeed I sought them out. Shadows are comfortable. You can hide in shadows, gain relief from relentless light. Shadows also hide aspects of ourselves we do not want to come into the firelight.
I am very acquainted with my shadow self because I speak to her nightly. We sit down with a hot beverage and discuss the events of the day.
"Why did you do that or say that?" I will ask curiously.
She will sip meditatively on her drink, and ponder before she answers. "I wasn't comfortable with the situation."
"Okay," I prompt, "What made you uncomfortable about it?"
"I feel powerless when I watch someone drowning themselves."
"Could there have been another way to handle that?"
She nods, "Yes. With compassion."
I smile.
With compassion.
I am a very compassionate person. If someone is troubled, I want to help. Not necessarily solve their problems, but help them find solutions for themselves. I have had to train my shadow self to stand back and allow others to find their own solutions sometimes. This is difficult for me, because where there is a problem, I know there is a solution. I guess that is my Capricorn Sun.
My higher self likes to find the good in most people. I acknowledge that we are all too human, and some people cast longer shadows. Some people don't have my ability or desire to get things done, yesterday if possible. My Sag ascendant is more thoughtful, more fluid. Warmer.
My shadow self strolls into town, with a shining star on her lapel. She lacks patience with some people's persistent refusal to find a solution and wallow in misery. She loses compassion, and tries to jar them out of their state. It sometimes works, like cold water wakens, and restores. Sometimes, it's just plain cruel, and I admonish my shadow self for being impatient.
My shadow self is not operating from a source of cruelty though, and that gives me relief as I fill her cup and continue the discussion.
"Yes, we kind of steam rolled over that person today. What can we do differently next time?"
"For?" I prompt.
"Them to catch up?"
"Indeed. A gentle nudge sometimes is necessary, but we don't want anyone falling off the edge of the cliff."
We sip our drinks in communal silence.
Today, we will sit back, my shadow self and I and observe what she reacts to. I know there are certain people I work with that push my buttons. I want to know why. Well, truthfully, I do know why. They are passive-aggressive, and we, my shadow and I, do not like it. We are both very up-front and honest with our feelings. My shadow self is a little bit more brutal in that than I, but nevertheless, we both have that quality. That is why,we bristle when quiet, under-the-breath comments are made with the purpose to attack. That is why we, point out when a "joke" is just an excuse to proffer unsubtle criticism.
I can take criticism if it is honest and coming from a good place. But when criticism comes dodging from the shadows with an intent to maim. Not so much. There are a couple of women at work whose voices are gentle and soft. Their demeanor is always calm. Yet, they have the deadliest comments. They come out of the shadows like adders pouncing with disapproval. And they do it with a smile. I will observe them today, and more importantly, how I react to them. I will take a page from Jamie's blog today. :)
I want to affect a change. Not in them, because that is not within my power. But in me and how I react.
And maybe, just maybe, in changing my reaction, it might help them see their shadow selves. If not, at least I will have lightened the experience for my self. :)
Women can have such dark and mean things to say. It shocks me sometimes. I like the compassion approach but am not very good at it. That is amazing that you even have a dialogue with your shadow self on a regular basis. I must try that.
I will always know her as Debbie Cox, that was her name in high school. So weird seeing her here!
So true Suzie. I have never experienced that from men. It's a strange aspect of our human nature. I think I have always had that dialogue. It can be helpful but also very painful.
Did you listen to the song? I find it VERY uplifting! :)
Ahhh....yes. So true. We complain about men being mean, but women are very different from men in that way.
great post!
I can not begin to tell you how much of me I saw as you describe you and your shadow self. WOW! I'm actually teared up here! I have a friend who is disrespecting her kids by being with someone who has clearly stated he cares nothing about them. I want so badly to say STOP IT, but I know it is not my job.
My shadow self wants so badly to shake her to her senses. But, instead I pray everyday and ask HIM to guide her.
I truly truly enjoyed reading here today!
What a beautiful account of your dialogue with your shadow...
and yes I experienced a kind of unspoken kind of 'spikiness from a couple of women' now I don't really tolerate women like this but it does catch you some times. You are a powerful being and never let anybody make you feel anything less than that.
I like Debra Cox too...
Why is it that women do that? It seems like we expend tons of energy trying to find a tribe of girlfriends to network with, to build ourselves up with so we can feel free and safe--but at the same time be so vicious to one another? Is it because as young girls our culture has raised us to be competitive instead of cooperative?
I absolutely love this blog. I think so many of us can relate to it because it is so true. I love that you talk to your dark self. I never saw it from that perspective but I guess we all do. I like the image of being able to separate myself from her like that. I think we all need to speak to the women of the world and ask that we stop hurting each other with our spiteful hate speech. I have tried very hard to distance myself from women like these and at times I find myself with no close confidants except my husband and my brother. It is interesting that we all agree on this point. Are we observing or projecting? What would Denise say? Great blog Genie!
I want to weigh in on this thing about women and our tongues. My opinion is that we get so bitchy because society puts us in the "nice box" - never be assertive, don't make waves, be gentle and kind - men don't get that message. I know when I DO buy into it and try to be all sweetness that it's not long before my tongue becomes a razor. That's the shadow coming out, and she is quite annoyed. I did notice Genie you said they were always sweet and softspoken. Boo on that! No wonder they're pissed off!
Love the dialogue - especially the part where you both sip your drinks musingly.
I love this post (as usual!!) and I love the conversation with your shadow self.. I think I will try that too.
A wonderful and thought-provoking post, Genie! Maybe that's the key...I'm pretty sure our 'shadow' self is the 'ego' self that Eckhart Tolle speaks of and his concept resonates with me. The ego-self comes from a place of power and control, thrives on chaos, and is influenced by all the burdens of pain and upset we have experienced in our lives. To live an authentic life, we must observe and accept the ego-self and, only then, can we have the power to react from a place of stillness and consciousness. Also, the ego-self we see in others could well be a reflection of our own ego-self IF we were to give in to its controlling and chaotic nature. To love ALL of ourselves and how we react to any given situation is key. I think I'm getting it....thanks, Genie!
I have no idea who Deborah Cox is but I will watch the YouTube shortly...thanks again, Genie ~ :)
love, light and peace,
OH, I meant to say on the women/men thing. Eckhart says that women carry around much larger pain bodies/ego self than men do because, throughout history, they have been mistreated or wronged by society. As a group consciousness, ALL women have been effected and have to deal with more intense, emotional issues regarding their pain bodies/ego selves.
I was having such trouble with the shadow self stuff today until I read other's blogs--thanks for sharing this--excellent writing!
Such a wonderful post. I love how you sit with your shadow each night...I want to try this!
Your line..."I want to affect a change. Not in them, because that is not within my power. But in me and how I react." exactly what soul coaching is about, IMHO. We can only affect change within ourselves. That's it!
I love the talks you have with your shadow self. What a great way to bring the shadow out in the open and explore it without feeling afraid of it. I will have to use this idea. Thank you!
This is a great post, me and my shadow self don't have a great relationship, maybe I'll try talking to her a little more :-)
Thank you all for your amazing comments and companionship on this journey!
You are all fiery gems! Priceless! :)
Genie, you are such a beamer. I just love coming here and hearing what you have to say. This is such a rich, rich post. I'm inspired to ask my shadow out for coffee and hear what's on her mind.
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