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Balancing the Blue

Before I type anything else, I'd like to send a huge wave of to everyone who sent their warm wishes and thoughts in my last few posts. You fill my heart with comfort, my soul with fresh air, and my mind with possibility in moments that they feel most depleted and battered,. THANK YOU!   :)

If you don't know Jamie Ridler, you're missing someone special. She has the organic ability to intuit the pulse of the world by coming up not only with amazing reading circles, interviews, dream boards, and avenues to connectivity, but by waving her magic sparkling wand over us every Wednesday, invoking powerful wishes from all over the world.

Today's prompt, like so many others, seems to have grown from my thoughts and experiences. Today, Jamie asks, "Where do you wish to go slow?"

Funny, this question should come up during a time in my life when I have been feeling like I'm sinking from existence, slowly whithering away into a puff of forgettable smoke. Not being one to indulge in worry and self-pity for too long, I have been searching my heart and mind for an exit- a way to balance the feelings that threaten to drown me, and those that buoy me above the surface. I have been balancing on the blue, bobbing up and down, seeking a way to save myself from the creatures that lie below the surface, ready to pull me down.

I try not to panic and thrash, for that gives the creatures of the deep more momentum to drown me. In times of crisis, I, like many, tend to act without thinking, unleashing a chain of events that regress my steps to a time before enlightenment. Rash, quick movements are not the best when surrounded by the deep blue, ready to engulf those who do not respect it.

I still my mind and my screaming heart, letting my body float on the waters both raging and benevolent. I know how to swim. I must rely on that. There is a shore somewhere with a warm fire, fresh food and clean clothes for my heart to gain respite from the struggle. I must dig deep, and go slow. In slowing down, I gain strength and listen to the water's purpose. Maybe, it's not meant to drown me, but trying to pull me in a direction my clueless mind cannot register yet.

I wish to slow down, and listen to the wisdom of the blue. Let it pilot me on my Odyssean travels. In slowness, I will find redemption.


Cindy Jones said...

The mark of a successful man (woman)is one that has spent an entire day on the bank of a river (or sea) without feeling guilty about it. ~Author Unknown

Your writing is superb! Do you write professionally? As you wish for youself, I wish for you also!

Sarah said...

As Genie wishes for herself I wish for her also!
Ahhh the blue...seems I have been bobbing around in it for a bit too. What you wrote so deeply touched me hon...beautiful, true..we have to remember to breathe and swim! That you may feel the beauty of the blue and less of the fear..may you remember to breathe and swim..I am right there with ya..bobbing along!
Hugs, Sarah

Bonita Rose said...

As you wish... I wish for you..... happy Wednesday.. xo hugs.. thks for sharing your heart.. xo

sherrileigh said...

I stumbled across your blog yesterday and was surprised to find you on Jamie's site today for Wishcasting Wednesday. You are a wonderful writer.

As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

keishua said...

Ride the waves of the deep blue. As you wish, so I wish for you, too.

Jeniffer said...

What beautiful imagery you have created with words.
May the waters lead you exactly where you need to be.
As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

Tabitha the KnittingJourneyman said...

As you wish for yourself, I so wish as well for you with my whole heart.

May the joys of the deep embrace you and buoy you...

Marilyn said...

your water image brought to mind one that i sometimes feel when i'm in a similar state of being. i sometimes feel like i'm floating down a river. when i panic, i tend to want to reach for the bank, to grab at whatever limb i can catch as i go by. yet i know from experience that if i can just let go and let the current gently float me downriver--instead of fighting it--i always end up where i'm meant to be. as you wish for yourself, i wish for you also.

Genie Sea said...

Cindy - Thank you! Love the quote. :) I write professionally, yes! I want to do more of it :)

Sarah - Thank you for the company! Hugs back! :)

BonnieRose - Thank you and hugs back! :)

Sherri - Don't you adore synchronicity? Thank you!! :)

Keishua - Thank you! :)

Jeniffer - Thank you so much! :)

Tabitha - Thank you! :)

Marilyn - It's good to know we're not alone in the experience! Thank you! :)

Mare/TommyGirl said...

I can definitely relate to those feelings and such a lovely, well-written wish!

As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also!

The Thumber said...

As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

Karen D said...

As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.
I know how you feel as I have been feeling a bit lost myself lately.
My thoughts are with you