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My Reality: The First Step - Honesty

As I approached my forties, I began to deal with the growing realization that my life was not going in the direction I liked. My marriage sunk pretty early on, and the relationships I had after that were less than successful. Though I love children, it was becoming increasingly obvious that I would not have any. I hadn't found a suitable partner, nor did I have the finances and support system to be a single mother. I know that in many ways I am like a mother to my students, but it isn't the same thing.

In the Smörgåsbord of Life, my plate was being filled with lemon rinds and over-ripe tomatoes.

While all my friends' lives have been multiplying with people, mine has been shrinking. Friends married or cohabited with their partners, moving on to lifestyles that don't include single friends. Friends with children bonded over their common experience, finding nothing in common with their childless friend. That's not to say that I don't still have a core of good friends, who are more like family to me; and I am truly grateful to them for being in my life, but they are a fraction of the people I used to have in my life.

My only true family, my parents, passed away within months of each other; and though there were people to support me through that time, their loss shrunk my life even more. I had to deal with the long process of grieving on my own. Because there is no downer like someone crying about their loss a long time after it happened, I keep that to myself.

I used to write these thoughts in my blog, until I started feeling like I would sadden my blog buddies with my process. So I have remained silent.

This all sounds very depressing, but it's the reality of the life I have been living. I have been doing my best to expand my circle of being outside my life of one, to reach out to those who are less fortunate, knowing full well how fortunate I am. I have a roof over my head; I can take care of my own needs.

But the core of joy, the type that comes with sharing a conversation over a cup of tea or a glass of wine at the end of a long day, or tucking in a little sleepy form and reading him a bedtime story, or the smell of a baby fresh out of the bath, warm and giggly, that joy has not been in my life. And I miss it.

So I have been doing my best, to deal with the grieving process, the resentment of "why me", the self-pity of not being deemed worthy enough by fate to be loved, and the anger at "wasting" my life. Because it's very easy to be joyous, to talk about art, and self-improvement, and crafty projects, it's very easy to succeed when you come from the nurturing of another's love. It;s not so easy when every day you have a dinner for one to look forward to and a "conversation" with the TV.

As part of my process of change, I have decided to voice my thoughts and feelings on this my blog. So I begin with honesty. Looking the situation right in the face, and admitting that I'm sad. And that is good.

And in the spirit of opening up to joy again, I return to the splendid Jamie Ridler's Wishcasting Wednesday!

Today, Jamie asks, "What do you wish to invite in?"

I wish to invite in Love, Companionship and Family!

Thank you Jamie!


Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Oh, darling! I don´t know what to say, except that I´m here for you. Always. :)

Jamie Ridler said...

Genie Sea, my dear Genie Sea, I am so very glad that you're here, sharing your truth, speaking your heart, wishing again.

As Genie Sea wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.



Amy said...

It's so nice to hear your honesty. As you wish so I wish for you!

Lucy Ladham-Dyment said...

As Genie Sea wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Bonita Rose said...

As you wish, I wish for you too.. you are a shining light! xo

Shari Sherman said...

As Genie Sea wishes for herself, I wish for her also. Let the blogosphere be your support until it arrives for you. You are not alone!

Persephone! said...

As Genie Sea wishes for herself I wish for her also.

You sounds like a caring person who does deserve someone special in your life, I truly hope that does happen for you soon. Beverley xx

Pamela Sweet said...

My heart aches for you, sweet Genie Sea. I was alone, or felt alone, for a long time as well. I am SO glad you're here, telling your truth, your thoughts and sharing your experiences. You should not worry that speaking about sad things will bring down your readers. On the contrary, I think when we speak honestly, no matter whether we're up or down, people relate and empathize or share in the joy. A supportive community is born.

I wish I could sit with you, drinking tea. We could share our stories and build each other up. Please know that I, and many others, are here for you. We want to ease your sorrow and celebrate your joy and successes.

As Genie Sea wishes for herself, so do I lovingly and with intention wish for her as well.

The Thumber said...

As you wishe for yourself, so I wish for you also!

Ceanne said...


You could be speaking my story too! I also am in my mid-to-late 40's and have longed for a child of my own for as long as I can remember. I have not quite given up yet, but I know it will not be a child of my body. Finances keep me from adopting at this time, but I still have faith...

My life has also shrunk as friends got married, had children, and family have passed on. I have great friends who are, for the most part, in the same situation as myself--older, single, and childless--and I LOVE them!! But, the longing for a family of one's own isn't far away...

So, all this is to say...

As Genie Sea wishes for herself, I so truly wish for her as well!!

Marilyn said...

this is a beautiful, honest post. and, yes, it's okay to be sad...and to give voice to it. as you wish for yourself today, i wish for you also.

Kim Mailhot said...

As Genie Sea wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

I am so glad you shared all that you have been going through, Genie. I am so sorry about the losses you are enduring. Whether it happens immediately or in any of the ways you think it will, reaching out this way will bring you that love and companionship, I truly believe that.
You are not alone in your loneliness in this crazy, fucked up world, you know. Reaching out and asking for someone's hand to walk the path with is a simple grace in the midst of the chaos.
You are loved, Dear Heart. You are loved.

Dionne the Tea Priestess said...

Oh darling. As a blow on my cup of tea served in my most delicate china I blow its warmth around you to wrap you the hug I would give you if you were here. As you wish for yourself I deeply wish for you as well.

Mare/TommyGirl said...

This is such a brave post. And I think it's still okay to be sad and grieving - that it's healthy.

As Genie Sea wishes for herself, I truly wish for her as well.


Kim Switzer said...

I'm so glad you're speaking your truth again. There are lots of us here to listen. :)

As Genie Sea wishes for herself, so I wish for her as well.

Jeniffer said...

Your post has flooded me with emotion. This month marks the anniversary of my mother's death. I am so proud of you for sharing your emotions with others and admitting that you are ready for change. Much love to you.
As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

Tammy said...

As Genie Sea wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

GlendaM said...

As Genie Sea wishes for herself I wish for her also.

Kara aka Mother Henna said...

Oh I am so glad you came out of the closet with whatever gremlins are in there and decided to share. You won't lose me, Genie, no matter how long it's been -- for whatever grief you need to process -- heck, I'm still going through it here YEARS later and compounded by other losses. I've come to decide it isn't sad, it's LIFE -- in all it's gory and lovely detail. The whole lot comes together, laugh, tear, joy, sad, connection, disconnection. All at once. None "healed" to the mutual exclusion of the other, but rather all WHOLLY together. As you wish for yourself, so may it be, Lovie!!

Shell said...

As Genie wishes for herself, I wish for her as well.

I've said this to other bloggers, this is your blog. I say write how you truly feel. Somedays I'm walking on sunshine, other days I'm fighting from going to the dark side.

It's all life and it's real. Grief can be a real bitch. I know how it's changed me in the past two years dealing with my friend's passing.

I'm sending you much love, Genie.

Her Speak said...

Thank you for being HONEST. Truly. Honor ALL feelings, not just the fuzzy ones we like to hold on to. Thank you, THANK you for your honesty.

I pour out so much love for you, but I also send my blueish grey feelings of heaviness, of grieving, of doubt. Not because I wish them on you, but rather wish you to know that I honor these too.

Wishing you warmness, comfort and the joy of friendship~

Sarah said...

Genie...I am late..but I want you to know how deeply this post has touched me! I too have been dealing with alot of the same issues..not the children ..have lots..but that is another story all together. I have dealt with this by hiding..not wanting to share all the depressing stuff here I have been missing in action. Thank you for posting this..maybe I need to consider what I have not been saying. Thank you for being brave and honest..and huge hugs hon!!
Love, Sarah