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It's All in the Attitude

So as some of you know, I have been struggling with weight my whole life. Though I was blessed with a normal weight when I was young, several events conspired to envelope my body in extra weight in my tweens and it's been a struggle ever since. I am and have been healthy my whole life (excuse me for a second while I superstitiously knock on wood), but that was not enough to ensure a healthy self-confidence. Other people's perceptions weighed me down more than the extra pounds and I have been mired with low self-esteem on the brink of self-loathing most of my life. Loving myself as I am, has not been easy. You can imagine my elation and awe when I stumbled upon this vlog:


How absolutely marvelous is she? While watching it for the third time, I asked myself, "How much easier would it have been had I chosen to live with that attitude?" Which brings me to the realization, that it is all about the attitude. People can think what they like. Most don't even bother to think, but espouse what the media and society as a whole deems to be beautiful or normal or acceptable. Why even allow that to color my attitude towards myself?

There's no going back; but as I step into the future while I reshape my body, I will reshape my attitude. My body is the vessel that allows me to travel through this experience we call life. I will care for it, but I will care for the person it houses too. My Self.

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