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Navigating People

Sometimes human interaction is the most difficult field to navigate especially when it comes to those people with whom you have to interact daily. Although these relationships are forced by a professional environment, they quickly become personal. We are human after all. In reality, there is no such thing as a purely professional relationship unless it's computer to computer. We can try to suppress our animal/human instincts for survival, combat and acceptance, but they're there despite our best efforts.

As I have always been a student of human behavior, and happen to work in education which is rife with human interaction, I have been developing a cheat sheet of character types. In order to survive this treacherous landscape, it's wise to know who your true allies are, and who are just masking themselves as such. This is what I've observed:

The Impersonator: This person says one thing but means another. It's the person being friendly and open when her body language, choice of words, facial expressions and actions actually say the opposite. It's the guy who walks in the room with a bravado in his step, and an impossibly wide smile plastered on his face whose eyes betray an anger that chills the blood. It's the woman who thinks she is so open-minded and accepting but whose lips and fists tighten whenever anyone does not agree with her. You have to become Zen in your dealings with these people and read them like leaves in a tea cup.

The Diplomat: This person cannot commit to having an opinion. It's not that they don't have an opinion; it's that they don't want anyone to know it. They'll speak whole sentences or paragraphs without really saying anything. You're left to dive for the gist of their meaning, trying to glean a pearl of wisdom when in reality all they're saying is, "I'm not taking a stand on anything." Head down. Shoulders to the wheel. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. Away. Best way to deal with them is not ask for their opinion...

The Assassin: This person is prone to sudden, quiet attacks often in the form of passive-aggressive statements whose aim is to paralyze and poison. He won't come right out and say it; he'll ninja-cut you. This leaves most people unable to react. It's hard to counter or confront passive aggression without looking like a bully or a harsh person. Either way they win. You don't say anything, their barb is unchallenged. You say something and you're mean. I've found the best way to deal with them is evasion tactics. Stay the hell away from them.

The Expert: They know everything about everything better, faster and more completely than anyone else. Their mechanic is cheaper and fairer. Their portfolio is more diverse. Their kids are more accomplished. Their sex more acrobatic. Their groceries are cheaper.  Their knowledge more omnipotent. You just have to resign yourself to the understanding that compared to them your life sucks, your experience is minimal and you don't look as good doing it. Humming your favorite tune in your head or aloud, if you dare, while they're speaking is the perfect antidote...

The Subversive: This person might say that she has your back but what she means is she will hand your backside to you. This the false ally. The person on whom you might count but when the fecal matter hits the fan, he will support your opponent not you. And it doesn't have to be in overly dramatic ways. It might be an ill-placed nod or silence when you're being given a new rear aperture. Or, it might be a dramatic attempt to play "Devil's Advocate" with closing arguments for the prosecution instead of the defense. I don't know about you, but I don't trust attorneys on the Prince of Darkness' team... Get another lawyer.

The Back Seat Driver: This person knows more about your life than you do, and gets very irritated when you're not steering your decisions based on their infinitely wise navigation skills. It's the person who's ready with advice even though you haven't asked for any. They give you a tissue for your gaping wound. They point out exactly how screwed up you are just at the moment you're most vulnerable and then tell you to "suck it up." You're finding that the shoulder offered to you is made of bedrock and judgement. Tell them to walk.

The Fluffer: This the person who likes to prepare you for the scene of your demise. They pump you up with fake praise that they'll readily offer to anyone at any time. It's their self-ascribed job. But when it's time for them to confirm those words in front of others, they don't put their money where their hands have been. They fade into the background and leave you exposed under the glaring lights. Thank them politely and tell them you've got everything handled. :)

The Demolitionist: This person's sole purpose is to undermine everything you've worked for. They're equipped with an infinite amount of wrenches and explosives that they're more than willing to hurl at any of your projects or plans. Their weapon of choice begins with "yes, but..." There's always some unforeseen problem or issue. They never seem to have a better option or a solution. They just like to dismantle not build. You often find yourself fitting them for concrete boots in your mind. The best thing is to turn the tables on them and ask them for an alternative to the problem. That usually shuts them up!

That's it for now. Next time, I'll be dealing with a whole other slew of characters: the incompetents.


Kim Mailhot said...

Which one are you ?

I think I have been aspects of all of these in my time, as I have faced conflicts or challenges, and learned and tried to change bits of me as I navigate this life to the best of my ability, with what I KNOW in the moment.
Best lesson I have learned and am now starting to really KNOW ? Love is the answer to every question. Apply it and it will save you, save the person you are dealing with and ultimately, save the world. Pollyanna, you may say, but if you try loving the "unloveable", you will see that it ain't so fucking easy sometimes. But I still KNOW it to be true. Down to my very core, I KNOW it. Love is the answer, my friend.
Sending you a juicy batch of it, Seeker Woman.

Genie Sea said...

Hiya Kim! :)

I'm more of "go in for the direct kill" kind of person. What you see is what you get. If I don't like something I tell you. If I don't agree, I will respectfully do so. If I praise you, it's genuine not a means to an end.

I would say that respect and understanding apply. Love is a totally other story for me. I don't love everyone, but I don't hate anyone. Kind of hard to explain.

I agree that there is a piece of each of those types in all of us, however, I have observed that some people have clearly taken on one of these roles in a more consistent and intrinsic fashion. So while I don't know you completely, what I do know of you is that you have a huge amount of fairness and integrity and I can't see you ever filling any of those roles! :)

Sending you bushels of love in return! :)

Kim Mailhot said...

Thanks for the loving and the respect, Genie. I have to say I am glad that though you don't know me well and only through what I put out on line, that you still see me that way. It is pretty much how I really try to BE, on line and in real life. It means a lot that you have seen this !
I think my reaction to your words(in this post and the new one from your sleepless night) is the really compassionate person that I am at the core (viewed by a weakness as some but I am realizing that we need peeps like me around!)"feeling" some of the pain behind your words and just wanting to reach out and let you know I get it.
This flawed Self sees your Flawed Self and just kind of says " Hey, Kid, for what it is worth, You are Loved anyway !" And somehow, I know, that love is worth a lot.
Sending more love and wishing you some peaceful sleep, Miss Genie.

Genie Sea said...

Hugs Kim! Much appreciated! :)