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Fruits of my Labor

Yesterday, I had a reunion. With my jewelry tools and beads!

A long, long, loooong time ago, I used to make jewelry for a living. I made earrings and necklaces and bracelets, and sold them at markets in Greece. It paid the rent; but more importantly, I had fun designing and playing with jewelry ideas.

Then life took a turn, and my jewelry making was packed, and forgotten. Until, recently. I made a couple of necklaces for birthdays, and found that I missed the whole process. I missed wielding the delicate tools, envisioning the design, and putting it together. I missed seeing the pieces being worn.

Yesterday, I took some time out for myself. I decided to put away the must-dos and focus on the want-to-dos. I made myself a pot of coffee, and spent most of the day watching movies on TV, and making necklaces. I was so engrossed, I forgot to eat!

Here are the results...

(click for larger image)

I gave this pearl drop and amber necklace to Danette for her birthday yesterday. :)

This amber and black stone piece is a very intricate design but loose design. I like its asymmetrical symmetricity. :)

It feels good looking at the tangible fruits of my labor. It feels good having literally taken a mental vacation from all the toxic junk filling my everyday, and reconnecting with an old friend in joy renewed. It feels even better having made something pretty that I will give as a unique gift just for that person. It's 3D love! Danette loved her choker, and it looked great on her. It was a win-win-win day! What more can we ask for?



Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Beautiful work! Have a lovely time creating. :)

Tabitha And Family said...

Genie, they are gorgeous!!

Lisa said...

Gorgeous & unique! So wonderful to see what happens from allowing ourselves to return to our creative (and slower moving) being. I need to remember that...

Pen said...

genie these are beautiful!
i can see how they paid the rent!

even though there aren't any keys hanging off them,
(that i can see anyway)
something about them makes me think of little delicate keys...
as if wearing them unlocks a little piece of you.
(not sure that makes sense written out, but honestly, it did in my head!)

Caroline said...

Beautiful! I too used to make jewelry. I did well too...and had them in various boutiques in Chicago when I lived there. But I totally burnt myself out on that. I have supplies up the "yin/yang" and cases and cases of beads. I am not sure if the desire will come back...but my kids love to make little things so that's fun to watch.

Breedale said...

Gorgeous! I love that you make jewelry. You are just so creative!

Kim Mailhot said...

Beautiful jewelry, Genie !
Just shows how many sweet songs our inner artists have to sing...
Ain't creativity grand ?
Big love !

Genie Sea said...

I am going to use different forms of endearment, all relating to the sweetness that is each and every one of you! :)

Paula - Thank you honeycakes! :) Hugs!

Tabby - Thank you sweetheart! :) Hugs!

Lisa - Thank you sugarpie! :) Slowing things down brings them into focus, and focus is beautiful! :) Hugs!

Pen - Thank you, butter cup! :) I actually see what you mean! I never thought of it that way, but what an awesome dimension that you've brought to my attention! Thank you :) Hugs!

Caroline - Thank you, cream puff! :)I actually drooled when I read about your cases and cases of beads... LOL! :) Hugs!

Bree - Thank you apple dumpling! :) Hugs!

Kim - Thank you cupcake! :) I love jewelry, especially costume and funky, beady layered jewelry. Here's to the symphony of our creativity! :) Hugs!

Shell said...

You have some serious jewelry skills. Maybe it's time to expand and make it a side business for you?

gemma said...

It's Monday! I'm dancing to Adam Lamberts new cd. Thought of! Glad I stopped by to see your beautiful jewelry Genie.
Love it!

Maithri said...

Wow! How awesome to see the beauty you create my friend....a manifestation of your own wonderful spirit,

Much love, M

rosebud101 said...

Oh, Genie, I didn't know you were a jewelry designer! You are amazingly talented! I hope you continue with this on your "want-to's" list. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work!

Tammie Lee said...

That looks and sounds like you had a wonderful day! I made jewelry for a living for 25 years. That was how I got to be home and raise my son, instead of day care. I loved it! Your jewelry is wonderful.

Summer Raven said...

That sounds sweet, selling your jewelry in Greece! Your day sounds very much like almost everyday for me...I am a jewelry artist for a living! keep up the nice work:)

Dia said...

Oh, these are lovely!
& how fun to pull them out & have a play day! I, too, am drooling over Caroline's bead boxes!! I also like asymetrical symetry :)
I do various crafts in fits n spurts, so have a bunch of beads & every so often my granddaughters & I get out our jewelry making stuff & have a crafty date!

Serena said...

WOW...they're gorgeous!!! You are so talented, Genie, and what a lovely way to spend the day.

Kara aka Mother Henna said...

OMG they are soooooooooooooooo gorgeous!!!!!!!!! So glad you took the day for your heART!!
Zillion miracles to you!