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Turbo Lightning Nothingness

I have hit a lull. There is no denying it. After months of feverish activity, I feel myself depleted of the energy to keep up with the world. I am not depressed, nor am I sad. I am just resting. A sort of cocooning rest to prepare myself for the next round.

The thing with my profession is that it drains us. Mentally and emotionally. That extra month of summer school wiped out my stored resources. Knowing that I will be going back in a couple of short weeks, is putting a little bit of pressure on my psyche, so I am doing everything in my power to regenerate.

In my daily life, I am interviewing people who will not only do a good job in taming the wildness that once was a garden surrounding my house, but one that will not strip my bank account as well. I have taken some 'before' photos which I will be posting in a couple of days, and I will be taking photos of the progress.

Other than that, I take long walks when it's not unbearably humid. I meditate, and have started some yoga. I sit quietly listening to the thunder and watching the lighting during the several storms we have had this summer. I watch movies or TV. I sleep.

I don't even have the mental capacity to read right now.

That is why I have not been blogging or commenting on your lovely blogs. And I feel a measure of guilt associated with that, because I feel like I have neglected my friends. But, know that I think of you and send you good wishes. It won't be long until I am back to blogging full force again. :)

And I have to say, I really wish I was Matt! Watch and see :)

Blessed be :)


Kavindra said...

There you are! Glad to hear you're ok and resting.

Sleep, deep and restful sleep ....

Now I gotta go find out about Matt.

Holly said...

Hey, first order of business...don't apologize for taking care of yourself and don't you dare worry about all of us. We're here. We'll be waiting to hear from you when you're ready.

And, about being Matt? Umm, let's wait until you at least recharge your battery enough to want to read...all that dancing? You'd be exhausted. Hell, I was exhausted. Jealous, yes but exhausted!

Blessings In Abundance....

Tabitha said...

I was worried about you, but I truly understand. You have to take care of yourself first. I'm so happy to know you're safe. Get tons of rest and know that you are Loved. :)

kate i said...

Glad to hear you're giving yourself the time to rest...I know how debilitating fatigue can be. Enjoy the transformation of your garden as well as it's healing energy.

And blessings to you too!

Judi said...

Ditto - rest and recharge - we'll save your place - just as you do for us when we need to recharge.

Rowena said...

It's a fallow period. Very important.


Kavindra said...

I just watched Matt, much later in the day.

Oh my gosh.

I loved the monks, the Rwandan kids, the San Franciscans (why did I move from there again? that's SO the way they are), the seattle kids

I was very upset about the small rock between 2 cliffs tho. That must've been the day that Matt smoked crack.

rosebud101 said...

Great video, Genie! I'm glad you're resting. Teaching is a killer. Rest!

Jane said...

Rest well and enjoy the time off!

Serena said...

Sweet Genie, enjoy those beautiful moments of peace and relaxation.....take all the time you need as it is well deserved and earned. :)

gemma said...

I need to send you one of those BWO badges for your sidebar.
Blogging Without Obligation!
Never feel obligated to us (your bloggeristas) Enjoy your time.
We will be here.
love ya

Boho mom said...

May your cup runneth over with blissful summer rest.

You so deserve it!

Suzie Ridler said...

I have so been where you are. Take it easy my friend. Recover and take care of yourself.

rebecca said...

You are one of the most prolific bloggers/writers that I know. That you are finally taking some time to rejuvenate, rest the mind, and honor yourself is music to my ears! You need it Genie! The body knows what it wants and you need to listen. Take the time and don't guilt. Please don't guilt. uh-uh. We will be here when you return.

Peace and love to you sweet girl,

Kim Mailhot said...

Thank God we can dance right where we are ! ;)
Rest and be well, beautiful Genie !

Kim said...

It takes a wise woman to know when to rest and to actually do it. Your example is a great reminder to all of us! Rest & re-charge, no guilt!! You deserve it.

Tracy said...

Genie, take care of yourself and rest. Rest & renewal is vital in living your best life. :)

linda said...

hello sweetie, thought I would simply pop in with a basket of cookies and a pot of tea for you...

hoping all is well and missing your light that you shine so abundantly wherever you go...

blessings to you...

Jo said...

Oh enjoy the rest, you must need it, and a new school year about to/has started!!!! I loved that video by the way :-)

Boho mom said...

Just popping in to say good-luck tomorrow at your first day back at school!
Hope you had a well deserved vacation.