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No Non-Sense

(click to enlarge)

The above is a digital painting/collage I made in PS. The backdrop has approximately 12 layers that I painted, and then I collaged the photo of the woman, like she is looking out the window. She is relaxed, yet there also seems to be a no-nonsense attitude about her.

I like that.

No nonsense.

My recent work with myself using Soul Coaching, and to a smaller extent 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women, has opened a new window in my life. I sit at it and gaze at the world from a different vantage point. Some things that used to get to me, make me smile now, because I observe them, removed from their impact. This is huge.

Some examples?

I walked into work yesterday, and I overheard a discussion between one of the Vice Principals and the Office Manager, and the gist of their conversation was very insulting and condescending towards teachers. In the past, that would have enraged me. I hate it when people demean each other. But this time, I was amused at them.

People who think they know it all are probably among the most naive. Nobody can know it all. We can't even know if what we know is even right. We perceive things as we know them, but are we perceiving correctly? Yes, that's right. I became philosophical instead of being embroiled. When I went upstairs to our office, I shared my amusement with others.


We had a meeting after school with the Administrators and the Heads of the Departments. Those meetings usually swing from tediousness to utter frustration. One of the Vice Principals announced that by June all the marks will be uploaded electronically, using a program called Mark Book. I asked if they are requiring that everyone use Mark Book to calculate their marks.

It was a simple yes or no question.

Of course, I didn't get such a simple answer. We got a lecture on why this program is God's gift to teachers; and sure we can just use it to upload but why take on that extra "layer" of work when this program is so spectacular; and then we got a long-winded analogy about knee problems that made no sense, and whose message was pretty much" some teachers are so dumb, they don't know a computer from a juicer". When they were done, I calmly asked, "So the answer to my question is...?"

Well that floored them. The Principal finally said. "Yes, the program can be used only to upload marks." There. That wasn't so difficult, was it?

Again I was really amused at their agendas. I personally am pretty savvy with computers and computer programs; and this program does not save time; nor does it calculate marks in the way I need them to, and am required to by the Ministry.

People's agendas are like pieces of toilet paper trailing behind them on their shoe. They are embarrassed when it is pointed out, because they hate others to know they have bodily functions. Or that they are full of shit. Whichever. It's funny. :)


My third and final example of the clarity that I have gained relates to people with "good intentions". You know those people. They dole out unsolicited advice like they have no issues in their lives, and they know all the nuances of what makes you. Kind of like they made you. So they diagnose you, and dissect you, and analyze you like they are the reincarnation of Freud.

They would really get under my skin. I hate being talked to like I am five years old. I don't even talk to five year olds that way. It would piss me off. I would reply in my head with, "Bitch please. Freud is dead and he has been debunked. Mind your own yard."

I still think that. I haven't become the Dalai Lama or some incarnation of a Saint. I have a potty mouth and mind. And my attitude is still in tact, thank you very much. The difference is, I don't get angry. I sort of smile and nod, and not listen to a word they are saying. Why waste my mental acuity on nonsense?

And there we have it.

Nonsense. The world is full of it. It gets expectorated through people's mouths, their agendas, the media. We are swimming in it. We can fight the current, and point out each and every incident like it's of dire consequence; or we can just sit on the shore under an umbrella and point and laugh.

I will point and laugh.


Caroline said...

Your image is very beautiful - it seems like a butterfly waking from its sleep.

Caroline said...

Whoops I posted too quickly there... I also wanted to add that you seem to have found a way to shed all the negativity that's in the soup around you - brilliant!

Jo said...

I love the toilet paper analogy :-)
I have people who work with me who are half my age who insist on calling me "darling" or "love", I don't say anything, just smile, but it drives me mad.

indigo goddess said...

LOVE this painting, the depth, the colors- it's gorgeous!! And I really love you post and the position you take. You are wise beyond your years, my dear!!!
Have a great day!!! xoxoxo

Tracy said...

Love the painting, Genie! :)

marianne said...

love the image- very nice. as for the rest- good way to deal with things. i try to remember that it's usually to my benefit when someone underestimates me. just keep smiling & do what needs to be done....

Breedale said...

I love the image and I found all of your insights to be very helpful and inspiring. I need to do some of the very things you are doing. Thanks for leading the way. You are making an awesome transformation and it is amazing to watch. Keep it up!

spread your wings said...

i love this painting/collage - so many wonderful layers and depth.
i enjoyed this post. i need to learn to ignore the nonsense around me too

The Modern Aboriginal Mama said...

a.) the image is breathtakingly beautiful. seriously. i'd expect to see that in an art show or something. you know, one of those really expensive and snooty ones where they don't even have cheese platters at the buffet table because cheese is so bourgoisee. =)

b.) and i LOVE your attitude! i especially love the picture you paint (with words! you're multi-talented! lol) about sitting on the beach under a big umbrella pointing and laughing.

in my house, we do a lot of pointing and laughing, too. =) i'll have to tell my family we're in good company!

Her Speak said...

Okay, Genie, that painting? HOLY CRAP. Awesome awesome awesome. I love all the depth and subtle cobwebby color shifts. Beautiful. I'm so excited about you and your piece!

This post really speaks to me today--I spent all day yesterday stewing on why I shouldn't be stewing about something stupid. Hehe!

RiSe AbOvE iT!

Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

Tabitha said...

I will point and laugh beside you. Genie, this ENTIRE post empowered me! Through your words I gained strength (SO Seriously). I LOL at a few remarks, because I saw me in you and thought that was awesome!!

Highlights that made me stand up and cheer:

"People who think they know it all are probably among the most naive.

People's agendas are like pieces of toilet paper trailing behind them on their shoe. They are embarrassed when it is pointed out, because they hate others to know they have bodily functions. Or that they are full of shit. Whichever. It's funny. :)

I would reply in my head with, "Bitch please."


thezeninyou said... much you are growing! I love this piece you so beautiful! You have such depth!

Miss Robyn said...

soul coaching definately did it for me! opened my eyes and I would love to do it again oneday but the other book.. I stopped in chapter 3, it was not for me at all.. but that is the way it goes.

The difference is, I don't get angry - well done! you have come along way.. I still get angry sometimes.. or more like frustrated I guess.

Tori said...

Our teachers had to switch to a similar program at the beginning of the school year, they're finally starting to get used to it now.

I love your way of looking at things! The world really is full of nonsense. Beautiful picture by the way.

linda said...

I think this is my favorite image so's really lovely and I wanted to make it huge so I could see the detail...alas...

wonderful post today!

intothedawn said...

So true, so true, so true!

Now that you have a "new view" and can be amused instead of angered by the knowitalls, life must be so much less stressful for you! Love the toilet paper analogy, gave me an evil grin when I thought of the knowitalls in my own life.

Shades of Scorpio said...

I love you!!!! This is just too much - I would reply in my head with, "Bitch please. Freud is dead and he has been debunked. Mind your own yard."!!!!!

OMG - I wish I wrote it!

You emerge cool, calm and from a better planet.

Sara Moriarty said...

Great piece. I love the no non-sense attitude. I need to embody it more often.

The toilet paper analogy had me laughing out loud.

And I will join your under the umbrella if you wouldn't mind.

Genie Sea said...

Caroline - Thank you :) I don't know if I have completely shed all the negativity, but I am getting there! Here's to liberation :)

Night Owl- I chuckled when the toilet paper analogy came to me. It kind of put them all in their place in my head; and reduced their power to get to me. :)

Sandy - Thank you :) I am happy I am finally getting it. I might seem wise, but it took me long enough :)

Tracy - Thank you sweetie! :)

Marianne - Thank you :) Being underestimated keeps us off peoples radars, that's very true :)

Bree- Thank you :) It's actually very eye-opening how changing my outlook has freed me. It's a heavy burden being affected so much by the judgment of others. :)

Lesley - Thank you and welcome to my blog :) Ignoring nonsense puts me in such a happy place, and it in its place. :)

iGoddess - WOW! Thank you so much! What a compliment. :) You can your family are more than welcome to join me under the umbrella-ella :)

Molly - Thank you sweetie :) Don't worry. The stewing is a preamble to the go-f-yourself liberation :)

Tabby - LOL! I am glad you enjoyed it honey. I would be honored if you joined me :) Love you too :)

Caroline - Thank you honey :)

Robyn - Yes. Soul Coaching made all the difference. Even the blogging experience seemed more intimate. It's all good :) Oh I get angry sometimes too. I didn't suddenly turn into Mother Teresa. I just don't get angry at silliness. :)

Tori - Thank you honey :)

Linda - The original piece in PS is much bigger, but for some reason it was not translating well that size when I uploaded. I will see what I can do :) Thank you sweetie :)

(intothe)Dawn - You're right. It is definitely less stressful. :) The toilet paper analogy gives me an evil grin when I think of it too :)

Mz Scorpio - I love you too. hehe I am from the Andromeda Galaxy, or didn't I tell you? hehe

Sara - Thank you :) You are more than welcome to join us under the umbrella. I have to get a gigantic one :)

Deb said...

Your "Red Window" artwork is spectacular - my personal favourite so far!

I too love the toilet paper analogy. Boy, am I going to store that one away for future use!

Good intentions; I just know when those sort of people start on at me, my eye's glaze over & I play my nod & smile card... can't help!
It must be noticable too - because I've had some say to me "you haven't heard a word I said" response "I tried not to" ;o)

What a fabulous post Genie - it has really got my mind ticking over!

Connie said...

Such a powerful image you created...your work makes me really long for photoshop and all the fun and beautiful things it can do!! Your piece is very emotional. Love it!

I completely understand where you are coming from and feel I've made the same observations in regards to where I work too. It really surprises me the huge egos that take up the space of education...and their huge agendas. We recently had this huge dog & pony show put on for us by the district office...and it was all about how to raise the test scores (of course)...the speaker asked us to reflect on a time we did something incredible in our lives and what traits did we have to do it. I spoke up and said "support". I further explained that I did the thing on my own, but I had very supportive friends in my life that believed in me and my endeavor also. This guy didn't care for my answer---because it contradicted his whole agenda. The teachers in my school hate each other (lucky for me I'm in a totally different building from the regular school)--but they do not support each other or ever act respectful. The speaker wrote down everyone else's answers like determination, hard work, strength....but he was trying to convince the teachers that they could make the kids do better on their test scores using all of those traits--but he said (and I quote) a good teacher could do all of this without any support or even feeling accepted in their work environments.

What the?

Agendas. Egos.

Thanks for sharing your light with us. Let's all just make art!!

Peace & Love.