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Fighting One Gremlin at a Time

(click on image to enlarge)

I have been busy fighting gremlins these past couple of days. It has been a hard battle, and I am tired, but I refuse to allow them to enter my blood stream and poison me.

Introducing the Gremlins:

  • People who make passive aggressive statements aimed to criticize or belittle me at work
  • People who have a sense of superiority and like to make others feel like they are the crud at the bottom of their shoe
  • People who like to lord it over others with their being "right". Always.
  • Remarks like "frivolous"and "ridiculous"
  • Being blown off like what I am saying is of no consequence
  • Being openly contradicted even though the person contradicting me doesn't have a grasp of the situation
  • Being blamed for things that I did not do and have no control over
  • Being made to feel that I have no sense of what is appropriate because I don't have children
I am surrounded by some very self-righteous, mean, petty, judgemental people. I have to lead these people. I have to circumvent them in order to do my job.

  • I refuse to let them wipe out my self-respect.
  • I refuse to be marginalized.
  • I refuse to be placed in their designer boxes.
  • I refuse to allow them to make me feel less than what I am.
They can all take a giant flying leap into oblivion. They are pimples on the skin of my profession. I will not deal with them except on a professional basis. And if I have to spend every single minute outside of class elsewhere, I will.

Will someone please tell me, what the hell is wrong with some people?

And in the spirit of dissolving the negative and embracing the positive: An Update!

Today is Wishcasting Wednesday and our illustrious wishtress extraordinaire, Jamie, has done it again! She has managed to turn my frown upside down! The prompt for today is: What do you wish to become?

See the comic above that I made? That's what I wish to become: I wish to become a superhero fighting the nasties, one gremlin at a time. Not just my own, but everyone's.

I want to don my spandex costume of imperviousness to the negative ninnies, and with my super abilities, zap their waves of BLAH into smithereens! I want to smother their dark powers with my smile and internal happiness, and share this with my fellow fighters so that we may eliminate all gremlins, external and internal. I want to smack their superiority and smugness with my cape, right in the face!

Will you join me on the mission? Will you join the J-Team (J for Joy) and help fight the nasties?


peppylady (Dora) said...

I'm tagging you please stop by on the 4th.

Judi said...

You know that some people just have to make someone else miserable just to feel better about themselves.

They are small souled - feel sorry for them but don't give in to them. Sounds like they are afraid of you, afraid of your intelligence, your talent, and your skills.

You need a "theme song" - no joke - a song that you can hum that gives you strength and self confidence. Plus it has the advantage of making the butt heads nervous because they don't know what you're up to!

I tend to hum that kid's song "I'm a nut" or "If I only had a brain" from The Wizard of Oz . . . seems to make people nervous ;)

Tracy said...

Some people are miserable & can't stand for any one else to be happy. Don't let them get you down, Genie!

Jamie said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also!

You are a superhero, Genie, spreading encouragement and positivity throughout the blogosphere! And I definitely want to be a member of the J-team!

myrope said...

Awesome comic!
As Genie wishes, so I wish for her also.

Caroline said...

As Genie wishes, so I wish for her also.

(And this time I won't jokingly ask you to send snow... you do know London ground to a halt with 8 inches of the stuff don't you? In Bristol we even got a little too - thank you! ;-)

Boho mom said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

You ROCK!!
I love your superhero art piece (lol), and I am definitely donning my Team J t-shirt.

I am so sorry for what you are going through. There are teachers in my family, and I've heard of some of the staff room "politics" that make their jobs frustrating.

("They are pimples on the skin of my profession")... you RULE, Genie, seriously!

You are right to not give them your power. Stick to your list of rules chicka - you have the right attitude!

TammyVitale said...

what people say and do is always more about them than you. Smile and say "thank you" - it'll make them crazy. =] TammyV

Rowena said...

"what the hell is wrong with some people?"

You know what it is? Those people are on their own journey, and have their own gremlins to fight, and sad to say, are probably losing that fight.

The gremlins take over, they spread their venom.

Really, it's sad. Frustrating for you, a pain in the ass, but worse for them. Would you want to be them?

Judi said...

Turning yesterday's post into today's wishcasting made sense but confused me for a bit.

As Genie wishes for herself, so I also wish.

Team J is going to be big - but I don't like spandex - how about a tee and jeans - it'd be easier to sneak up on the gremlins.

Pamela said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

I can empathize with you as I've dealt with similar people at a few of the jobs I've held. You are clearly an awesome person with a great attitude. Just keep holding your head high!

Love the superhero comic! I want to join the J-Team!

Tabitha said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also!
You've once again left me smiling :) I so want to be apart of the J-Team!

Her Speak said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also!!

Now you made me want a hot pink jumpsuit! And I'm totally in on team long as I get to wear sweet goggles. Hehe!

Much JOY, Many Blissings!

Sara said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also!

Just visiting for the first time from Starshyne. I can see myself becoming a regular. :) Take care.

Miss Robyn said...

ever heard the saying: 'don't let the turkeys get you down' ? - as you know I have had some in my life the past week.. it drives me nuts. You are so much better than they...good for you for banishing them from your thoughts and not allowing them to affect you xoxo

Jennifer said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also!

I love this post! It gave me such a smile! People like that will forever live their in misery. I just keep as much of a distance as I can!

I'd love to join the J-Team!~

Kavindra said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

I'll join the team only if I can wear a tutu over my hot pink jumpsuit.

Hilarious and wise!

Tori said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also! It's hard to know what is wrong with some people. Sometimes they just have so much that there's no way to know!

Go J-Team! <3

linda said...

I do so agree with Tammy V on this and thank them in the most gracious way possible...they will go away and leave you alone, knowing "it" doesn''t work!

love that superwoman! go woman!

Deb said...

I'll join the J Team Genie!

I can empathise with your to feelings on those people to a 't'.

I have a neighbour that epitomises every action you listed, & then some - just rolled all into one nasty vituperative nasty person. To myself I call her the Rabid Banshee.

Took me a while to figure that jealously was at the root of her nastiness, but as soon as I worked that out it allowed me to just smile at her abuse.

I love TammyV's response! Judy's response also hit the nail firmly on the head in her first sentence. I wish I had read something like that a few weeks back - then I would have figured it earlier.

Yep - I'm ready to help dissolve the gremlins (& banshees) from half a world away ;o)

Tammy said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also!

Awesome post!

Anna said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also!

Uff...those types can suck the energy out of power plant if given the chance. Continue your stance. Be the superhero we know you are!

Go Team-J!

Merry writings!

Serena said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

They are pimples on the skin of my profession. I LOVE that term!

I really like how you vented your angst into something so powerful and creative....what an inspiration you are, Genie. You surely are a superhero!

Breedale said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also! I love your wit. I can really image that cape and you fight Gremlins. You go girl!

jennlui said...

ooohhh i SO know about being called frivolous and eccentric and ridiculous!!! such a downer... but i have learned not to take notice of people who use those terms negatively... why would those be bad things??? silly people... well i'll be frivolous AND eccentric AND ridiculous and have a ball while i'm at it!!! ha ha ha!!! it's all about having fun and following my fascinations!!!

as genie wishes for herself, so i wish for her also!!!

you go girl!!! lets fight those nasties!!!

and i wanted to say an extra special thanks for your super supportive comments on my blog... my little one is feeling better, n more fever!!! what a winter!!! so thank you for your healthy wishes!!! yay yay yay!!! hee hee!!!

peace and love to you genie!!!

Tammie Lee said...

Your art is wonderful, may your wish come true!

LissaL said...

JTTW (Jesus take the wheel) have you been in the company of my SIL?
(Snark,snark-shame on me)

Now I'm all ready to join you & your Superjoy self & the J-team. Just please tell me my spandex comes with spanxx.

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also!!

Get out there & fly girl!

Genie Sea said...

Peppy - Thank you! I will post the award this weekend. :)

Judi - Thank you for your support and advice, honey! I think I will have a theme song "Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me". What do you think? :) Sorry for confusing you with my updated post. I thought it was fitting to add to it rather than repost :) Oh! I will join you with the tee and jeans. The spandex is purely symbolic. I shudder to think about really wearing it! LOL! Go J-Team! :)

Tracy - I won't let them get to me! No way! No how! :)

Jamie- Thank you, sweetie! YAY! Go J-Team! :)

Myrope - Thank you and Welcome to my blog! :)

Caroline - Thank you, hon! :) LOL! Sorry! I didn't mean to send over that much snow! :)

Boho Mama - Thank you cupcakes! :) I won't let those gremlins get to me or anyone else! :) YAY! Go J-Team!

TammyV - You're right! Thank you! I will take your advice! :)

Rowena - Oh hell no, I don't want to be them. I understand that they are fighting their own gremlins, but they need to keep those things caged. :)

Pamela - Thank you so much! Welcome on the J-Team! YAY!

Tabby - Thank you honey! YAY! Great to have your superpowers on the J-Team! :)

Molly - You can wear anything you like, as long as your splendid chameleon self is on the J-Team! Thank you honey! :)

Sara - Welcome to my blog and Thank YOU! :)

Robyn - I want to roast me some turkeys! :) Hugs! Thank you sweetie! :)

Gypsy - Thank you honey! Welcome to the J-Team! :) And the miserable ones can keep their misery! :)

Lisa- Thank you honey! You will look marvelous in a tutu! Want the slippers to go with it? Go J-Team! :)

Tori- LOL! So true. They have too many issues to know or really even care to find out! Go J-Team! <3

Linda- Thank you honey! I will smile and thank them til they turn blue and drop off like old scabs :)

Deb - YAY! Welcome to the J-Team! Your neighbor sounds like a veritable bag of nightmare! Uff! May those nasties everywhere dissolve! :)

Tammy - Thank you honey! :)

Anna - Thank you sweetie! :) They are energy suckers for sure. Zap! Not so much anymore! Go J-Team! :) You can blow them away with your wind instrument! :)

Serena- Thank you sweetie! :) You make me blush :)

Breedale- Thank you honey! :) Want a cape of your own? :)

Jennlui- Yes! Let's own all our marvelousness that those nasties don't see! :) Thank you sweetcakes! :) I am very happy to read your little one is doing better! YAY! You're always welcome :)

TammieLee - Thank you so much honey! :)

Lissa - LOL! YAY! Welcome on the J-Team! You can have all the spanxx you want! Thank you :)

Melissa said...



Melanie Margaret said...

Passive aggressiveness is the worst!
I will join you on the J team!

As Genie wishes for herself I wish for her as well!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Melba! Welcome to the J-Team! :)

Melissa- :)