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Face it.

(click on image to enlarge)

Today is Sunday, a special day for many. They go to church or have family rituals, or celebrate Sacred Sunday. Sunday has always been a day of rest and reflection for me. My family were not church goers, and after having read many spiritual and religious texts, I decided I was not one for group rituals. And that's okay. :)

My morning Sunday ritual involves a cooked, healthy breakfast and Coronation Street. There is something very comforting about it, for me.

This morning, I changed things up a little. I played music and danced. I painted. I allowed thoughts to meander in and out of my consciousness, mulling over some, letting others go. While I was doing that, I painted the above in PS. It's a loose self-portrait. A face I have often drawn or sketched or painted. It's me, inside. It's the face I see sometimes in the mirror, when I am at peace with myself.

I am at peace with myself.

And the reflections continue.

I found myself thinking a lot about a couple of blog friends with whom I had become attached in a spiritual way, whose perspectives and journeys touched my heart and soul. They have since deleted their blogs, for good reasons of their own. But I miss them. I had to finally face it, and delete their blogs off my roll. That saddened me a bit. I won't lie. It's selfish. I know their reasons, both personal and compelling, are necessary for their growth and health; but I often wonder how they are. I send them my wishes of renewed health and energy, and wish them well.

It's awe-inspiring how close I have become to the wonderful people I have met through the blogosphere. How close I have come to you, and how invested I have become in your lives and your journey. You have come to mean a lot to me. You are an ever growing circle of love and light, even at times of struggle and pain. We have become a Tribe, and that is why when some leave to go on their Hero Quests, it leaves a little bit of a vacuum, like an empty seat at the table.

But that seat will always be waiting, when you are ready, when they are ready. There will always be a plate of love and acceptance.

What all this rumination is leading to is my absolute gratitude at your existence and how it has made my life better, brighter, more focused. Thank you :)

One day, I will individually tell you what you each mean to me, but for now, I send you blessings on this Sunday with the hope that you are well, healthy, happy and fully engaged in life. :)


Kim Mailhot said...

Blessings on you too, Genie ! How wonderful it is that you are open to adapting your "rituals" to the mood of the day.

Sending love and gratitude your way...

gemma said...

She completely rocked my world. It was as if I was reading the next page of a novel when I went to her chez. Miss her alot!
Sunday rituals here are changing too, except for the part about Lee worshiping sports in front of TV.
:-)Enjoy your beautiful day!

Tabitha said...

You have moved my heart in the sweetest way. Genie, I thank God for you every night and I zoom to my laptop each morning to see what words of inspiration you have left for us all. Your soul is beautiful and I love you dear friend.♥

Steve Emery said...

I loved this post. And I like that you you have an inner you that you can paint - that you see you.

Yep - this blog community thing is special. And it is sad when some have to leave the table.

Steve Emery said...

Oh - and did I see "painting" mentioned in this post??? I mean, painting different from the digital painting???

indigo goddess said...

Genie- you have such a positive influence. I am so grateful for you and all you share. Thank you!

Jo said...

You are such a positive force :-) That painting definately has a sense of peace :-)

Archie and Melissa said...

hi genie!
what a beautiful, uplifting post. i love your new painting and that you danced this morning!

Olivia said...

Thank you for the blessings and good energy, Genie, and for visiting the happyluau. Kim and her rocks ROCK :) Sending rest and love your way, Olivia

Her Speak said...

It is always a pleasure to visit with you in your cozy blog abode, Miss Genie! I feel so fortunate to be part of this circle. :)

Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

Pamela said...


I am always blessed when I stop here for a visit. You have such beautiful thoughts and a lovely way of expressing them. Thank you for being such an amazing woman!

Ann Vargas said...

Dear Genie, yes this blogging community is so much more than I ever expected. I have been looking for this kind of circle of friends for sooo long. It is kind of mysterious too, almost other wordly. like magic...I mean all of a sudden there appears on the screen all these amazing images and people and love and friendship.I just wish that one day we could just all get together in the real worls out here. Or maybe that's the thing with blogging: to have this level of in-depth communication and yet remain somewhat anonymous. I don't know. Anyway Genie you are truly a source of real inspiration! How did you become so loving and so wise?! Sorry...long comment.

Ann Vargas said...

Oh, I also wanted to say that Face It is beautiful. I love the idea of the close-up. I can almost see her (your) soul through the eyes (eye).

Serena said...

I miss Suzie too and, like you, I know she needed to leave the Blogosphere for good reasons.

I loved your heartfelt post, Genie, and I send you lots of blessings from my heart too. (((Hugs)))

Btw, LOVE your face!

love, light and peace,

intothedawn said...

Wow, miss out on a few days of blog reading and I miss a lot on your blog! ;-)

First off, I love, love, love this image, it is so warm and peaceful.

It is hard to meet wonderful people in the blogosphere and then lose them; it unfortunately happens. There's a little hole in my world from that right now, too, although, like you, I understand it what a change she needed to make. The good thing is, I know that there are still so many wonderful people out there whose blogs I haven't found yet.

I'm glad I've found you, you are such a bright shining spirit and reading your posts is a daily gift.

Kat said...

Love your self portrait Genie. Sunday is a day of rest for me too. No longer a church day, but still sacred. A time to stop, integrate the week, get grounded. Being open minded to whatever activity takes you there is wonderful.

I guess there is a time to-blog and not-to-blog. I've only just found you in cyberspace, but your blog has been very uplifting and inspiring to read.



Boho mom said...

Oh Genie...beautifully said!
I am so glad to have crossed paths with you in this blogosphere. I am so happy to call you part of my tribe!
I hear ya - I miss Suzie alot, but must accept she's doing what's best for her self.

I cannot BELIEVE how good you are with photoshop!!! I am really enjoying your creative works here.
go girl!!!

Genie Sea said...

Hugs to all of you! Thank you :)

Kim - I figure like is about adapting if nothing else :)

Gemma - I forgot about the mighty sports ritual! :)

Tabby - You are such a sweetheart :)

Steve - Yes, sir. I have taken some baby steps with watercolors. Shh. I'm not ready to show yet though :)

Sandy - I am happy to share with such wonderful people. :)

Night Owl - There is so much that is negative, I feel I need to counter it, sometimes, for my own survival. :)

Melissa - Dancing is a great way to start the day, no? :)

Olivia - I will definitely visit again :)

Molly - I feel the same way about you and our circle. :)

Pamela - YOu make my blush! I love visiting your blog as well :)

Ann - I would love it if we could have one huge blog meet and greet celebration :)

Serena - I didn't mention names, but we all know. I like to picture one big blanket of energy enveloping all of you with love and healing. :)

intotheDawn - Same here, miss :)

Kat - A day of rest and reflection is sacred in of itself, isn't it? :)

BohoMama - I'm happy to have met you as well. :)