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So I woke up this morning with a headache and my shadow self serenading me with negativity.

What the bullocks?

I made myself a coffee, grumbling. What is this? Where did it come from? I had a spectacular day and night yesterday, why in the world would my shadow self surface?

It was singing it's old tired tune. "You're alone. You have no family. The holidays are coming. Your friends are full of spectacular plans filled with trips and family gatherings. You will be alone."

The headache still pounding the top of my head, I made myself a coffee and sat to visit my loving blog.

I read the wonderful comments in yesterday's post. A smile started to edge on my lips. The pounding eased a bit. Then I did my first round of visits to my community of blogs. I read about enchanted lands, reiki blessings, colorful stockings, meme projects, fruitful studio time, coloring like children, encouraging advent calendars, selfless giving. My smile widened. The pounding stopped.

I am so blessed to have found this online community of wonderful people. I call it the Fountain of Life. I swim in it every day. It is healing, inspiring and affirming.

I don't have a family per se. So what? I will be spending time with my soul family and my goddaughter. I have my wonderful soul companion, Stinky, who shows me love and curls up with me as I read or watch TV or rest, purring his little song.

I don't have money to travel.
So what? I have a roof over my head, a warm bed and books with many realms, a big screen TV with a world of movies.

My shadow self skulked away, defeated and silent. Why don't you go away already? Permanently. Who needs you?

Now onto my wonderful day yesterday! It was a Professional Development Day, and so no classes. I arranged the morning for members of my department who chose to participate, to go book browsing and shopping and then to meet for lunch and discuss our findings.

A few of us met in the morning and went for nice warm coffee and almond croissants and chatted. Then we split up and went to various book stores of our choice. Emily and I went to Book City and I bought NINE books. It's inevitable. Me + bookstore = Spree. I will have a lot of blessed down time in two weeks so I can wrap up myself in my warm covers and explore delicious worlds. I gave Emily a book she has been dying to read. YAY!

Then we went to Future Bakery to meet up with everyone and chill out. We ate and shared books, and stories and felt our spines relax. The most civilized P.D. I have had in a long time. :)

Then in the afternoon, we went to Central Tech where I was leading a workshop on using blogs for classroom purposes. Renata assisted me and co-lead the workshop. It was fun! We got everyone set up with a blog and connected to ours so we can help them along the way. The feedback we got was all positive (they filled out anonymous forms). One person said it was the best P.D. she/he had been to. YAY!

Then I went with Renata and her wonderful family to a pub nearby with other teachers from Central Tech. I loved the place - Harbord House. It was warm and cozy inside with bay windows, lots of lights and ornaments, and a big decorated tree upstairs. Oh and the food! YUM! I had potato crusted salmon with basmati herbed rice and asparagus. Drool! :)

Oh! And there were the beautiful toddlers filling the room with life and energy! My heart was brimming.

The people were all warm, friendly, fun and interesting, so I stayed a while longer after my friends (Renata, Jeff, Sabi and Zoë) went home.

Then I rushed home to feed my Stinker and get ready to go out with Danette and Colin to see a friend of ours perform. We went to the coldest bar in down. I mean BRRR! But. Ellie was angelic. When she was singing with her beautiful, light-filled voice, I closed my eyes and traveled to a splendid world of color and movement. She is truly magical.

A gift of a day, was it not? It cannot get any more perfect. :) This is why I chose to make the Three of Cups for today. It encapulates the spirit of fun and rejoicing.

I hope your days are full and perfect with much rejoicing. I look forward to reading your stories. They nurture me and fill me with hope. Thank you so much for being in my life, even if it is through the world wide web! :)

Blessed be!


Her Speak said...

What a magnificent day! Just reading that I'm feeling mocha with a mountain of whipped cream! So much good energy fluttering around you! I woke up with a good feeling today and you're post is lovely affirmation that today I am going to Kick @$$ and take names-- You know that all of us adore reading about your adventures. :)

Saturday Blissings!~*

gemma said...

I think of you as the nine of crystals....So deserving of beautiful holidays. If you want I'll send you some of my wild bunch for a'll be so happy in your solitude. :-)
Very proud to have you as a soul sister.

Judi said...

My Genie Sea Tarot folder is getting plumper!

So glad that the Fountain of Life is there for you - we'll just wash that shadow right out of your spirit!

Works for me too ;)

Ha Ha - the word verification is systr ( phonic for sister?)

Kate I said...

This sounds like my kind of perfect day too! Anything to do with books, browsing in book stores, blogs, and connecting with friends!

Your visit from your shadow self reminded me of the Rumi poem "The Visit".

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your kind comment. It was very much appreciated. I loved my visit here.

Tabitha said...

your day sounds absolutely beautiful Genie! I'm so very proud of how you handled your shadow self! Yay for you!

Again, I'll say I'm grateful for you!

Thien-Kim aka Kim said...

Sounds like a great day! I love book shopping sprees. I just had one of those (purchased online though). Don't let that inner voice bring you down. My sister lives nearby and I think my friends show me more love and compassion than she does.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Lovely day!

I agree, the web (specially the world wide part) is amazing.

The Muse said...

Sounds great!

Glad you overcame the "what the crap (pardon my word), blues" of the early morning rising :)

Kris said...

Hello Genie~

I have tumbled unto your blog through my mother's blog (Vulture Peak Muse) and her recommendation that I would delight in your honesty and truth in being who you are :) ... and so, I have arrived, and yes, your honesty and truth in your being yourself--your whole self--is deeply inspiring and beautiful. I look forward to following your journey and getting to know beautiful You :)

With Care,

jennlui said...

oh yay!!! you're enthusiasm and love for life is so very contagious!!! you're absolutely fabulous!!!

and that's why i've passed along a blog award to YOU!!! come over and check it out!!! YAY fabulous YOU!!!

hope you're having a wonderful weekend!!!

peace and much love

Shannan said...

I love it when the energy shifts - the clouds part - and life becomes new and fresh in an instant!

Beautiful post!

Tori said...

I'm glad that reading everyone's blogs was a way to make that shadow go running. Kick it out for good!

Books are fun. When I have the money to spend on them I just go nuts!

I did some rejoicing today. I rejoiced that I had more than enough in my life that I can afford to help others. I rejoiced that I am able to sit down and have a fun dinner with my mom. it was a good day. =)

Kavindra said...

Funny because it sounds to me like you have more real "family" than most people! Family is where the love is, right? Everybody loves you, here and in real time.
Including me. You've got a big enough heart for all of the family you have created and gathered around you, too.
Go soul girl! (I know I'm not supposed to still be saying that, but cmon, I'm old and not hip!)

Serena said...

That was indeed a magnificent day, Genie, and I'm so glad you kicked the butt of your Shadow self. You emanate your love out into the world and I know I am blessed to be touched by it.

A beautiful tarot choice for the day.

love, light and peace,