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It's Not a Crime...

It's not a crime to be grumpy. If you decide to go to the corner store in your pajamas make sure you accessorize, and try not to do so in broad daylight...

It's not a crime to be angry. If you're going to express it, paint on campus might be the best way. You can call it art and not collateral damage.

It's not a crime to be disappointed. Sometimes shit happens, and we're left with the clean-up. Use gloves.

It's not a crime to be sad. If someone says there's no reason and to cheer up; tell them to walk a day in your pajamas!

It's not a crime to be selfish. Sometimes. There are limits. If you find yourself eying some random kid's candy, it's time for some yoga; and if anything was made for pajamas, yoga's it!

It's not a crime to want more. Focus on more success rather than more ice cream. One pays the bills, the other creates them.

It's not a crime to be jealous. Use it as a motivator to achieve the things that are lacking in your life. If you find yourself contemplating a hit man, then it's time to seek therapy.

It's not a crime to not like someone. As long as you can live with the fact that it's probably mutual, and move on.

It's not a crime being different. We live on the planet Earth, not planet Stepford. Whether we like it or not, we are all different. Some might be better at hiding it, but I say flaunt it! Just  don't go into traffic court in said pajamas. They have the power to put you away...

There are many things in the world that are crimes, like killing endangered species, or being cruel to others, or making people who have nothing useful to contribute into celebrities and leaders; being human is not one of them.



rosebud101 said...

Genie, You are so right! Thanks for the post!

Monica {bohemian twilight} said...

enjoyed this very much. chuckle

linda said...

hello sweetie, how are you anyway? it's good to see you running around again and i hope you are feeling well...thank you deeply for that sweet and sensitive comment you left me two days ago...i am late to get back these days, moving slowly, but here i am now...and wanted to thank you from the very most bottom of my heart as you certainly found it and filled it up. xoxox to you my ♥

Miss Robyn said...

hi miss Genie~SEa! thankyou for visiting my new blog.. yes lost track of you too, the past year.. I think a difficult one for many.. and yes, I have moved ~ blogs & homes :) - it is all good.. so glad to be back in touch xoxo

Shannan said...

oh so very true!

gemma said...

So good to see you here again Genie.
I've missed you.

Kim Mailhot said...

Iwas so happy to see your name in the comments on my blog, Miss Genie ! I have missed you too.
Love this post. And so glad that you are here, being human, right along side me.
Happy Wednesday (perfect day for pjs !)

Genie Sea said...

Thank you so much ladies!! :)

HopefulValley said...

Love this post, also enjoyed the one about not being online much and the fact that people are forgetting how to communicate with each other due to texting and the internet. Very true, very sad. I'm sure this is leading to some unknown height, and then some terrible world changing tragedy will happen and we'll all end up in the dark ages again and have to learn to speak face to face w/ each other again someday.