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Choked and Punked

I would like to begin by thanking those of you who have been sending me your support and good thoughts. I feel your caring surrounding me like a warm summer breeze in the chill of the reality that has bitten me. I have been fighting the demons of bitterness and disappointment.

I lost the battle.

The teacher's union said they can do nothing for me. There is nothing they can do for me unless some "ism" has been violated. Otherwise principals have carte blanche to vilify and abuse us. To make matters worse, the union rep I contacted didn't have the decency to even reply to my email. I heard it through another teacher who works on a committee with her.

The whole system is corrupt.

The irony? I'm a good teacher, a thoughtful leader, a spokesperson for those who cannot or will not use their voices. If I had been a horrible teacher, a pedophile, a deviant, I would have gotten some representation.

I made a decision to look at the positive to any situation. I can safely say, the universe has been testing me. It has been a struggle for me to lift my head above the clouds of this situation and see the sunshine. My colleagues have been more than sympathetic and supportive, outraged even. This is a reality check we have all been served. No one is fooled about the principal's motivations in targeting me. The problem is it doesn't matter what we see or what we know. Her tyranny will remain unchecked.

I will focus on my kids, the ones I am really there for. I will be the best teacher I can be, for them. And the rest be damned.

Yes, my blogging has suffered, and I have disappeared. I will get back in the groove. I will come back fighting.

But for now, I will regroup. I will keep my shoulders above the stormy clouds and try to absorb the rays of sunlight. :)


Serena said...

What a let down for you, Genie, but I so admire your strength to rise above the loss and focus on your students and those around you who do care. Know that you are a beautiful Goddess and that you are loved and appreciated by those who count. xo

The Muse said...

Serena's words I echo feverently!

(holding you in heart)....

Shell said...

I still think you won. The Principal knows you are not afraid to speak up. I"m sure he/she will be more mindful of this in further dealings. Who knows by you standing up you may have inspired others to do the same at another time.

Tabitha said...


Paula - Buenos Aires said...

I´m sorry the outcome was not what you expected. :( {Wishing you the best}

Boho mom said...

Arghhh!!! How frustrating!
What a joke, eh?

I firmly believe in the "what goes around comes around", and this principal will have to be accountable for her actions one day, and after getting her own way in this idiotic system for so long, she'll fall apart.
YOU on the other hand, are strong, brave and RIGHT!!!
Hold onto that!

gemma said...

Not to worry
trust karma.

Steve Emery said...

I am sorry to see you are having this kind of trial. This is so difficult - it can tarnish and poison everything in your day, for days on end. I hope you can indeed rise above this and FEEL that "aboveness" - that calm and peace and clarity that comes when you break through the clouds and into the sun above them.

Sending love your way - hoping your kids can fill your heart and vision so there is no room for the frustration and hurt.

Rowena said...

Man that sucks.

Does it help if I tell you that a couple years after I left my school over stupid stuff like this, i went back to visit and both the principal and vice principal had been fired for bad behavior. I still don't quite know the details, but it did indeed go around and come around.
It was a little sad, actually.

Serena said...

Just popping in to say HI, Genie. Thinking of you and hoping all is going well.

Serena xo

Shannan said...

oh hon... I am sooooo sorry about the tough times you have been enduring.

My husband and I have had major injustices occur, that tried to "ruin" our whole life. (Long story short - He was arrested because a person driving by our car thought he was beating me. He was putting our convertible top up, and I was putting my shoes on to run behind a hill to go to the bathroom.) Tens of thousands of dollars fighting "the man", him being forced to go through a year of DV classes, probation, the inability to get another job in his career... I fought for 2 years to keep my rage from making me hard and bitter. I thought I was going to lose the battle.

Blogging and creating... sometimes forcing myself to create... help me through. Your visits to my blog, and loving comments, reminded me there is still such good in the world - so many good and loving people!

I find it rude when peopel say - "There is a reason for everything." Because in the midst of the darkness that does not make one feel better. So I won't say it. But I will hold you in my thoughts and blessings until clarity and rightness is restored to your world.
