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It has been a long time
since I posted, I know.
It's like life intervened
and stole the whole show.
Everyday workouts
Movies gallore
Going to parks
Going to the store
My brain went on vacation
for a little while
I have chosen to sing
I have chosen to smile
Sometimes one needs
some time to reflect
and stew on the lessons
that one seems to get
Many forks in the road
Many decisions to make
Time to take action
Time to hesitate
Accept the flow in direction
Life has chosen for me
To see where it goes
let my steps be free.


danette said...

Genie, so so beautiful! I can feel your sweet summer energy in this post, the poetry flowing naturally. I'm so glad you are having a delicious summer, treating yourself to the joy you deserve.

Thank you for the facebook chocolate:)

Are you going to the Harlequin meeting this Tuesday? Would you like to go together?

I'll be home tomorrow night watching the finale of So You Think You Can Dance. Go Katee and Joshua!

Genie Sea said...

huggies Danette!