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American Idol

Is it just me, or is anyone else feeling blah about this season of American Idol? There are some talented people on the show, no doubt, and some talented people have been eliminated, but really? Bleh.

I love David Cook, and I would really like him to win, but it's a popularity contest, and David Archuleta seems to be the saccarine favorite this year.

He's a great kid with a winning smile and attitude, and an awesome voice... but there are two problems. He is too young to be competing in American Idol (they really need to have an older cutoff). Fame at too young an age has been lethal to many. The other thing is... well, quite petty. Can someone, anyone please show him how to breathe quietly when he's singing? I'm glad he got rid of the lizard tongue action which was unnerving, but the loud gasps of air simply is not professional sounding.

Jason Castro is cute in a John Travolta meets Bob Squarepants Marley way. His singing style is a fusion of Leonard Cohen and Tracy Chapman. I don't think his voice is of the calibre of even most of the people who have been eliminated in the past few weeks. Really, who cares?

Brooke White is a very versatile musician but as bland as plain bread. I see her hosting a children's show. An idol? Not so much.

Syesha Mercado can belt out the tunes, especially on a piano, but there is something too arrogant about her. Something I can't put my finger on. She flirts with the camera too much, and I'm trully afraid she will dislocate her head (is that even possible?) if she keeps twisting it around to make sure she doesn't break contact with the viewers.

My only comfort is knowing that even if David Cook doesn't become this year's American Idol, which he should, he definitely has a good chance of becoming successful ala Chris Daughtry...

A girl can dream....

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