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Good Intentions

OK! The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I had every intention of blogging my little fingers off about Survivor and Utopia and other TV and social issues. Then hell opened up and swallowed me whole, in the guise of super stressed work issues and the inevitable health issues that ensue from a stress-filled environment that I'm working in.

I'll spare you the gory details. Suffice it to say, I toil. I toil hard.

Anyway. What the heck is going on in the real world of TV reality?

Survivor San Juan del Sur has been chugging along for Copacabana whose only chance at winning immunity is when a dumbass on Hunyebooboo (I can never remember the tribe names and am too lazy to Google them right now ) throws the challenge. Good grief! So one by one the Copacabana tribe loses people,with one making her exit after an elaborate lie about having not one but two hidden immunity idols. Oh Val! You disappoint me! And all the cops winning CBS reality TV shows. The other was ousted with an idol in his pocket after he was thoroughly trashed by a loud-mouth twinnie whose aggressive mouth makes her manly but then turns girlie when confronted in an aggressive manner. John Rocker's mouth is legendary but his exit was premature. Then aforementioned dumbass gets the boot after he tries to throw his weight around and play the mastermind. He "drew" the short stick...

Woo baby!

So, Utopia. I can't get the feeds without internet gymnastics that I don't have time for anyway. I've been watching the show but don't have the big picture. What I do know is there are a ton of jackholes in Utopia and that's not coming through in the edit. Its ratings aren't great mostly because it's failed to grab internet attention with the lack of feed access; it's lost a lot of the Big Brother fan base that was ripe for the picking after, yet another, disappointing season. At least I didn't despise the winner...

I digress.

Utopia is raw and filmed raw without the colorful BB fanfare. I'd say it was refreshing but it kind of feels like the barnyard of TV. Pun intended. It's not visually appealing and the crazy does not come through equally on TV. Sure Bella's, Bri's, and Red's crazy was paraded around but not Aaron's, Kristen's and Mike's deviousness. I guess I'm happy for the insulation of being a TV only. It's better for my blood pressure. I might continue this with Big Brother next season.

Not watching the feeds keeps the viewer tethered to the TV edit but since they insist of crappy casting, I think it might be almost meditative not to know what is really going. Feed watchers went into a frenzy of outrage against some of the house guests' behaviour and attitudes. But it didn't last long. Most jumped on the Twitter kiss ass bandwagon and rewrote history.

Speaking of which. I have messays to mark  but I will be back sooner than you think!

Stay tuned! :) (If anyone is reading... lol)