But first I need to clear out some old garbage. I am going to put it all on a piece of paper and burn it away.
These are the things that need to go.
- Allowing defeatism and negativity into my realm
- Looking in the mirror and seeing only faults
- Retreating into my own world
- Letting my losses and pain define me
- Self-criticism
- Allowing others' perspective define my parameters
- Isolation
- Not following my instincts, my spirit guide's whispers
- Feeling I am unworthy of happiness
- Procrastination
- Allowing people's judgement to affect the way I feel about myself
- Accepting criticism without considering the source
Goodbye evil-doers. Be gone! And if you don't like it, I don't care. Shoo!

Embrace Joyous Magic
I have been pondering and pondering about the word. Back and forth my head went with possibilities. Until I shut it out and listened to the voice whispering in my heart. Magic. Magic. Magic. Joy. Joy. Joy. Embrace. Embrace. Embrace. Whose rule is it to have only one word anyway? And why would I follow it? Three will do just fine. :)
Step one: Listen to my voice. It's authentic. It's not some demon possession. It's not a sign of insanity. It's MY voice that has been silenced for too long. I have finally allowed myself to vocalize my mind, now it's time to vocalize my heart. I shut it away for far too long for fear it might be damaged yet again. To hell with it. Death by atrophy is worse than death by fire. Speak my heart. Speak.
Step Two: Don't let those mofos get me down. No longer will I allow others' judgement of me (and there is plenty of judgement) affect the way I feel about myself. If you have ever felt different from the status quo you will know what I mean. Those looks up and down. The raised eyebrows. The expression on the face like a whole lemon was ingested from the wrong orifice. They can all stuff themselves. They can consume their own negativity and judgement. I don't own it and I don't want it. I am marvelous. Yes. I am. I am. (Okay, I will believe this soon :>)
Step Three: Follow my own freaking advice. Yep, little miss Got-All-the-Answers, that's me. Now, it's time to stop coaching and start playing. PLAYING! Having fun. Doing the things I want to do and stop with the can't, the later, the no-money, the tired crap.
Step Four: Embrace the Magic and Joy: You hear me? EMBRACE it! Don't question, dissect, deconstruct, defer. Embrace! Open those arms up and that heart up and let the magic and joy IN! It's been starving at my heart's doorstep for far too long. I would never treat any other guest in that abhorrent manner. Come in! Come in! :)
May 2009 bring you all health, wealth, opportunities, magic, and love. :)
You are all beautiful inside and out! :)